New Life

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Four years went by after Y/N and Anakin killed Sidious. The war had finally ended and the galaxy was living in peace. But there were many places that had to be rebuilt. Y/N and Ahsoka went back to the Jedi Order and they were given the rank of Jedi Knights. But Anakin was now a member of the Jedi Council as a Jedi Master.

Anakin was able to get Yoda to change the rule about Jedis not being able to love another and he accepted. Anakin and Padme showed their love to the Council as they had their newly born twins named Luke and Leia as they were four-years-old now. Obi-Wan and Satine had finally started their relationship after a long time of flirting.

The Jedis and Senates were all going to celebrate together on Naboo at Queen Neeyutnee's palace. Y/N and Ahsoka were standing together with Anakin and Padme while they were each holding their two children.

Ahsoka: Leia, is so cute...

Padme: Look I got her these little shoes.

Ahsoka: Awe, that's so adorable. Right, Leia?

Leia: Yeah!

Anakin: Look, Luke, this is going to be your, Master. When you get older.

Y/N: Woah, okay, I'm not ready to train anybody yet.

Anakin: *chuckles* Oh, come on. I was nineteen when I trained Ahsoka.

Y/N: That time was different.

Luke: I want you to be my Master.

Y/N: H-Huh?

Luke: Yup, you heard me.

Anakin: Hey, they finally got together. (points at Obi-Wan & Satine)

Y/N: About time, huh?

Anakin: Yep.

Queen Neeyutnee: Hello, everyone. I'd like to thank you all for coming today. As we celebrate the peace that the Republic has granted us after winning the war against the Separatists by defeating the Sith Lord himself Darth Sidious. We had lost many friends along the way as we all wished that they were here to celebrate this moment together with us. They will never be forgotten for their bravery. And so, I'd like to raise a glass to the clones and Jedis that we had lost.

Y/N and everybody else all drank except for Ahsoka and Padme as they all clapped for Queen Neeyutnee for her speech. Then the slow music played, Ahsoka grabbed Y/N and they started dancing together with everyone on the dance floor while Anakin and Padme were watching them.

Ahsoka: Hey, Y/N, I have something to tell you. I kind of wanted to wait till later but I can't really wait anymore.

Y/N: Okay, what's wrong? Are you sick? Do you not want to be here?

Ahsoka: *giggles* No, it's none of those, silly.

Y/N: Okay, then what is it that you wanna tell me?

Ahsoka: Well... (puts his hand on her stomach) I'm pregnant.

Y/N: Huh?

Ahsoka: (smiles) We're going to have a baby.

Y/N: Y-You're serious?

Ahsoka: (nods) Yes.

Y/N: Y-YES!!!! (everybody looks at him) I'm going to be a father!

Ahsoka: (sees everybody looking at them) Y-Y/N, you're too loud.

Y/N: Huh? (sees everybody looking at him & Ahsoka) Oh, sorry, everyone.

Then suddenly everybody started clapping. Y/N and Ahsoka were looking at everybody with a surprised expression and they looked at each other and smiled as they both gave each other a hug.

Ahsoka X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now