Corrupt Government

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The planet of Mandalore is struggling due to corruption with shortages of every kind. The citizens turn to the Black Market to survive. That's when Y/N and Ahsoka were given a mission to teach kids at the academy.

Anakin: The Jedi Council assigned you two a mission. It's both of your duties to see it through.

Y/N: Copy that.

Ahsoka: Don't you think I'm just a little overqualified for this?

Anakin: According to Senator Anidala, Mandalore is a deeply corrupt world. If the cycle is to be borken, the future leaders at the Royal Academy of Government must learn the evils of corruption. Yoda feels that only a young Padawan like you can get through to them.

Anikan lands the ship and they walked out as they saw Duchess Satine and Prime Minister Almec waiting for them.

Anakin: Duchess Satine. Prime Minister Almec.

Satine: Master Skywalker, so good to see you again. These are your Padawans, I assume.

Anakin: Yes, my lady. May I present Y/N L/N and Ahsoka Tano.

Y/N: My lady (lifts mask & kisses Satine's hand). Prime Minister.

Ahsoka: Hello, Duchess. Prime Minister.

Satine: I'm grateful that the Jedi Council could spare the three of you to help instruct our leaders and peacekeepers of tomorrow. Please thank Master Yoda for me.

Anakin: Uh... I'm afraid that, due to our limited resources, I must return to battle immediately.

Almec: So you will not be staying, Master Skywalker?

Anakin: No, but I assure you, Padawan Tano and Padawan L/N are highly capable Jedis and they have the full confidence of the Council.

Almec: Very well. Cadet Korkie, Amis, Lagos. These are some of the cadets that you will be instructing Padawan L/N. Padawan Tano, you will be instructing other students in the classroom next to Padawan L/N's.

Ahsoka: Okay.

Y/N: Nice to meet all of you.

Korkie: (sees Y/N's lightsaber ) That's a fine weapon. May I see it?

Almec: I'm afraid not. Because of Master Kenobi's recent visit and the trouble that followed, no Offworlders may carry weapons on Mandalore.

Ahsoka: Master Obi-Wan caused trouble? That's a first.

Anakin: Just give the lightsabers. (Y/N & Ahsoka give their lightsabers to him)

Satine: Thank you for respecting our ways, Master Jedi.

Rex: Excuse the interruption, sir, but it is time to depart. General Fisto is expecting us.

Anakin: If you'll excuse me.

Anakin walked away with Rex while Y/N and Ahsoka walked into the Academy together to teach in their classes. Y/N was a little nervous since many kids were expecting his lessons.

Y/N: Hello, class, my name is Y/N L/N. I'm a Padawan from the Jedi Council. I will be teaching you about corruption within the government officials. So, please take notes if you need to.

Korkie: Padawan L/N?

Y/N: Yes? What is it Korkie?

Korkie: May I ask for your age?

Y/N: I'm 14. Did you all like to know about me? (They all nodded) Very well... So, before I became a Padawan I was actually a soldier that fought next to the Clone Troopers. I achieved the rank of Captain and Commander at this age in a short amount of time due to my success that helped the Republic win against our enemies. Then I became a Padawan after learning that I had the Force. So, now here I am today. Well, that's enough talking about myself. Let's start our lesson.

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