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After that unfateful day the Jedi Council and the troopers held a funeral for Y/N. They all gathered together and gave personal speeches about Y/N's bravery as a young soldier that achieved so much but, also a great Padawan, and a friend. Anakin, Padme, and Obi-Wan gave their speeches about Y/N but now it was Ahsoka's turn. Due to the way the Jedi Order had operated she couldn't confess her love for him on the speech so she had to alter some of the words.

Ahsoka got up from her seat and she stood in front of the podium as she looked at everyone while standing next to a banner that they had made for Y/N.

Ahsoka: *exhales* Hello, my name is Ahsoka Tano. I'll be sharing my personal experience about Y/N and what he was like as a person. Y/N, was the most courageous, bravest, and the most inspiring person I have ever met... When I first met him on Christophsis he told me one thing I'll never forget. "Experience outranks everything". And what he said was true. Anakin Skywalker who is my Master had always relied on Y/N to teach me a few things since he experienced these obstacles at a young age unlike myself. He was always there guiding me and consoling me whenever I needed it most. He would always put his life on the line of protecting his troops and his friends so they wouldn't meet their fate. Even when he knew things weren't always going as planned, he never had any negativity around him. He was always positive and he kept everybody's morales up. Y/N was a true leader, a friend, and my Padawan Buddy. When Y/N became a Padawan he would always ask me so many questions that even I couldn't answer but I understood that he was just nervous and excited about his new life. (smiles) But all those times training together and going through obstacles together, I couldn't help but admire him. Even though I had more experience in being a Jedi, I was always still chasing after him because he had achieved so much more than I ever did... Y/N, saved my life and I'll never forget the memories that I made with him. (tears start to fall) Y/N was my greatest friend, partner, and... (doesn't read the last part "The Love of my Life") I'll miss him very much...

Ahsoka walks away from the podium and she sits on her seat next to Padme and Anakin. Padme had her arm around Ahsoka and held her close.

Palpatine: We will now raise the banner of our fallen comrade.

As the banner was being raised, everybody all stood up to honor Y/N. Ahsoka was bawling her eyes out as she held onto Padme. Then a beam of light was shot into the sky.

After the funeral had ended, Anakin had Padme take Ahsoka with her to console her about everything while Anakin got to work with the Jedi Council about Count Dooku.

Ahsoka was sitting on the couch in Padme's living room. Padme brought tea for them to drink and she set it down pouring the tea for Ahsoka and poured for herself.

Ahsoka: Padme... I'm so sorry...

Padme: Why are you apologizing?

Ahsoka: I couldn't save, Y/N...

Padme: Don't think like that please... He wouldn't like to hear you say that about yourself.

Ahsoka: But it's my fault, Padme...

Padme: (holds Ahsoka's hand) Y/N, knew what he had to do... This was the life he chose... I never told you this but I was against his decision...

Ahsoka: You were against him taking part in the war?

Padme: (nods) When he was ten-years-old. He told me he wanted to be a soldier. I didn't agree with him but he showed a lot of passion to become one which showed how much he matured at a young age. He told me "Sis, I want to be a soldier so I can fight for the peace so that no other kid like me will experience what I had to experience". Then I knew I couldn't stop him anymore... I prayed everyday hoping he would come back safely but I knew one day that someday he wouldn't come back... But just like you said in your speech... "He always kept everybody's morales up". Which is why I can't let him see me sad.

Ahsoka: I don't either... but it's just not the same without him, Padme... I feel empty... When he died... a part of me died.

Padme: After he died R2 came to my room and gave me something. Y/N left something behind for you in case if anything happened to him.

Ahsoka: Y/N, did...?

Padme went into her closet and she grabbed a small box that was storaged away. She brought it and she set the box down on the table in front of Ahsoka. Ahsoka opened the box and she saw a holo was inside the box.

Ahsoka: A holo...?

Ahsoka grabbed the holo and she pressed on the button as a hologram version of Y/N appeared and she was shocked by this.

Y/N (hologram): I don't know if this thing is recording but hopefully it is. Okay, let's get started... (sits down) Hey, Ahsoka, hopefully you got the holo from Padme after R2 delivered it. I wanted to record this message because ever since you told me about your visions, it made me feel really scared. I don't know why... Maybe because I learned that my time was coming up or maybe it was something else... But, even if I do die and we weren't able to do anything about it I just wanted to say don't blame yourself for it. Maybe if you tried to help me but I pushed you away was probably for a good reason.

Ahsoka starts to tear up as Padme sat on the couch with Ahsoka and she held onto her hand to support her through the final messages that Y/N had for her.

Y/N (hologram): Ahsoka, you were always there for me whenever I needed you and the memories I made with you were more special than anything I could've asked for. You inspired me to be better and you taught me many things that I needed to learn to succeed in this new life I was starting with the Order. But most of all... I ended up falling for you... I wished that maybe I could confess to you when the war was over but I feel like I won't get that chance. So, I'll say it now. Ahsoka, I love you and I always will. And I will always be by your side. (smiles)

Ahsoka (hologram): Y/N! Come on, Anakin's looking for you!

Y/N (hologram): C-Coming!

The holo recording ended but it ended up playing the memories that Y/N had made with Ahsoka on the holo while Ahsoka's tears were falling. Ahsoka gripped onto Padme's hand even tighter as her hands were shaking. She was happy but still sad at the same time.

Ahsoka: I love you too...

After a few hours had gone by, Ahsoka was sleeping on Padme's bed after crying herself to sleep. Anakin and Padme were sitting together on the couch looking at the night sky.

Anakin: You think she's going to be okay?

Padme: I'm sure she'll be fine. She needs time.

Anakin: I'll tell the Council to give her a personal leave. They'll understand.

Padme: Thanks, Ani... It's going to be quiet now, huh...?

Anakin: Yeah...

Padme: (starts to cry) I'm going to miss him...

Anakin: Me too.

Anakin held Padme close to him and they continued to stare at the night sky together thinking about Y/N.

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