The Antidote

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After Y/N was taken care of, he was sitting on the surface while looking at the sky. While Anakin and Obi-Wan were interrogating Dr. Vindi there was a loud explosion that happened underground.

Y/N: What the hell?!

Y/N ran into the ship and saw Anakin and Obi-Wan were really concerned for everyone that was still underground.

Anakin: (prsses on com-link) Ahsoka, what's going on down there?

Ahsoka (radio): The droids released the virus, but we managed to seal the lab.

Anakin: And Padme?

Ahsoka (radio): Haven't heard from her since the bomb.

Padme (radio): Anakin, can you hear me? Anakin?

Anakin: Padme, I'm here. Are you all right?

Padme (radio): Yes, for the time being. Jar Jar and I were in a safety chamber when the alarm went off. We're wearing protective suits.

Anakin: The virus is loose but Ahsoka has sealed off the entire facility.

Padme (radio): Yes, but any remaining droids will try to break out. I'll do whatever I can to stop them. I cannot let that virus escape.

Anakin: Be careful. Come on, Y/N, we're gonna bring him back to base and make him make more of that antidote.

Y/N: I'll stay here and try to think of a plan. You and Obi-Wan go ahead.

Obi-Wan: Okay. We'll be back.

Y/N: Medical Droid, you're with me.

The medical droid left the ship with Y/N as Anakin and Obi-Wan flew back to the capital of Naboo taking Dr. Vindi to make him make the antidote.

Y/N: I have to think of something... What can I do to save them from that virus...

Medical Droid: Captain Y/N, may I give you feedback?

Y/N: About what?

Medical Droid: About the virus. It appears your immune system was combining with the virus while it was slowly hurting you.

Y/N: So you mean...

Medical Droid: It appears that you are the antidote.

Y/N: Meaning I'm immune to the virus.

Medical Droid: Correct.

Y/N: What can I do to help them?

Medical Droid: I need a sample of your blood since the virus is being combined I can make a few antidotes.

Y/N: Okay.

The Medical Droid took blood samples from Y/N's arm and the Medical Droid put the blood in the vials that it had stored inside.

Y/N: How fast do you think you can finish those antidotes?

Medical Droid: It will not take long. It will only take a few more minutes to finish.

Y/N: If I'm immune I can hop down there and find them. Medical Droid can you make an antidote spray with my blood to kill the virus.

Medical Droid: Yes, I can.

Y/N: Good.

Medical Droid: How will you reach down there without the virus leaking out.

Y/N: A force field. I made it a few weeks ago but the force field only allows living things to pass through. Not deadly viruses.

Y/N opened the hatch and he quickly activated the force field as it covered the whole entire hatch. He was able to see the virus was covering the whole entire area under the force field.

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