Being Hunted

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Planet Felucia has been invaded. Y/N, Ahsoka, Anakin, and Plo were on the mission together to destroy the Separatists base.

Plo: Droid reinforcements have just arrived. We shall break into three groups to divide their defenses. I'll take the left flank. Skywalker, attack the front gate. Y/N, Ahsoka, you two scale the back wall. We'll meet in the middle. (walks away)

Anakin: Okay, scouts, find me a way in. Quiet-like.

Ahsoka: Going through the front gate won't be easy.

Anakin: Ah, you and Y/N have it tougher going over that wall.

Y/N: Eh, you taught us well. We can handle anything.

Anakin: (smiles) Don't get cocky.

Y/N and Ahsoka started their side to infiltrate the base but Y/N and Ahsoka were able to sense something that wasn't right.

Ahsoka: Hold. I sense something out there.

Clone 1: A droid?

Ahsoka: No, something else, maybe an animal. Just stay on your guard.

Y/N, Ahsoka, and their squad just arrived to their position as their comms started beeping.

Plo (radio): Y/N, Ahsoka, are you in position?

Y/N: We're in position.

Then the tanks started firing at the base. Y/N, Ahsoka, and their squad ran up to the wall after shooting down two battle droids that were keeping watch.

Ahsoka: Comet, Stinker, Boost, get up there!

Y/N and Ahsoka stayed on the ground while their squad went up on the wall. Y/N and Ahsoka activated their lightsabers and they looked back in case if anything was following them.

Comet: We're all clear, Commander. Come on up.

Ahsoka: We'll be right there.

Then just as Ahsoka looked back Y/N had pushed her to the side and he was tased and he knocked out. Ahsoka was about to get but she also got tased and she knocked out.

???: *chuckles* I can't believe my luck. Two Jedi younglings. Yeah.

Y/N and Ahsoka were dragged away while Anakin and Plo had just cleared out the base but they didn't know where Y/N and Ahsoka were.

(Location: ???)

Y/N had woken up in a cell next to Ahsoka's and he looked around to see that there were others in prison cells as well.

Ahsoka: Y/N, you okay?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm fine. Are you?

Ahsoka: Yeah. What were those pirates?

Y/N: Trandoshans.

???: They're going to hunt us down for sport.

Ahsoka: Hunt us down?

Y/N: But where are we exactly?

Ahsoka: We're in a ship but I think the ship is starting to land.

Suddenly they were all dropped from the ship and they landed on the ground. Y/N, Ahsoka, and the other captives all stood up and looked at the ship as the Trandoshans started firing at them. Y/N and Ahsoka hid behind cover and they made their way deeper into the forest. But three people dropped down behind them.

???: You need to come with us.

Ahsoka: Who are you?

???: We used to be Jedi younglings.

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