Defend the Lurmens

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After they were able to find help from the village. Y/N was on watch since Rex injured his arm and Bly was keeping an eye on the village. Y/N looked up at the sky to see a ship. Y/N grabbed his binoculars and looked to see it was a droid ship.

Y/N: (presses on com-link) Commander Bly, we got company.

Bly (radio): Friendlies?

Y/N: Negative, Sir. A droid ship, coming straight our way.

Bly (radio): Acknowledged. Get back here.

Y/N: Negative. I'll stay at a distance and watch. You and Captain Rex help Anakin in case if we need to get out of here.

Bly (radio): Copy.

As the droid ship landed Y/N was still looking through his binoculars to see the village chief walking towards the ship. Y/N's com-link started beeping and he quickly got up and ran to regroup with the others as they were hiding in the tall grass. Y/N was able to regroup with them without getting caught.

Rex: You know, I can't figure those villagers not wanting to fight. *scoffs* No pride, I guess.

Ahsoka: I call it no courage.

Aayla: Sometimes it takes courage to stick to one's beliefs, young Padawan, as any Jedi well knows.

Anakin: We need to find a ship. And I think the only one around bere belongs to Separatists. We know they have a landing ship. They might have a shuttle.

Y/N: Are you talking about stealing from one of the clankers? Count me in.

Aayla: We need to find them first.

Ahsoka: (sees something) I think we just did! (points at enemy spy droid)

Anakin: Blast it!

Y/N, Rex, and Bly were shooting at the droid but it was evading their lasers. Bly quickly jammed the droid's signal as Y/N and Ahsoka quickly chased after it while Rex and Bly followed. Y/N was right behind the droid but it was quickly destroyed by Aayla after she cut it off by taking a different route.

Ahsoka: I wonder where it was headed.

Y/N: Hey, let's get up on that tree. Maybe, we'll see them from up there.

Y/N, Ahsoka, Anakin, Aayla, Rex, and Bly all climbed up onto the tree. Y/N looked through his binoculars and saw Separatist base in the distance.

Anakin: That shuttle's our ticket off this rock.

Bly: It's not gonna be easy, sir. There don't seem to be any flaws in their security line.

Y/N: (sees new weapon) It looks like they have a new weapon.

Anakin: See if you can go get a closer look.

Y/N: Roger.

Rex: I'll go with you.

Y/N: No, stay here. It's quicker if I go.

Y/N dropped down from the tree and he was able to land safely on the ground. Y/N quickly ran into the long grass to stay hidden. Ahsoka was watching him the whole time since she was a little worried. Y/N stopped and he noticed that the new weapon was shot towards his location.

Y/N: Oh shit!

Y/N quickly ran back as there was a giant wave of fire coming right at him. Y/N tried shooting his grapple at the tree but it was jammed. Aayla grabbed a vine and she swung down and grabbed Y/N and back up onto the branch before the fire reached them.

Y/N: Thank you, General.

Aayla: You're a reckless one, Captain.

Y/N: I'll take that as a compliment.

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