Her Royal Ball

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The ceremony had just began and it was beautiful. Everyone who King Richard invited was there. There were candles that gave the area a homey feeling and everyone dressed in big dresses or lovely suits.
Everyone was enjoying themselves except the person who event this was for.

"I hate this,"

"Liliana, just enjoy yourself," sighed Abby judging the girl "You only turn 16 once,"

"Yeah and thank goodness to that," said Liliana in a pissed off voice "the only reason I agreed to come to this is because of my father"

"Oh really huh? Not for anyone in particular,"

"What?" The sudden realisation falls on Lilianna as she picks up on what Abby is suggesting "OMG, ew no Sam is annoying and rude,"

"Omg can you at least admit he is cute,"


"Liliana you have known him your entire life and your telling me that you have never looked in his eyes and found him admirable,"

"Abbey you go and date him if he is soooo good,"

"Oh come on you know your mother and his wanted you two together,"

"Yeah and clearly they don't know the first thing about attraction if they thought me and him were a match," Liliana said moving her dress around "this dress is itchy,"

"Your being dramatic,"

Liliana didn't know why she hated Sam. He just had a very punchable face.

"Lilly, sweetie can you come here please," spoke Queen Alice from across the room

"Yes, mother,"

As she parts from Abby and is walking to her mother, she can see her rival walking into the ballroom. Sam Middleton.

"Mother, what is the Middleton family doing here,"

"Well considering they are mines and your fathers best friends family speaks volume,"

"So it is my party and I don't even get a say in who comes. I told dad I don't want Sam here," Liliana rolls her eyes and faces her mother.
"What is it you wanted,"

"Oh your dress darling, it's wrinkled,"

"Oh your dress darling, it's wrinkled,"

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Liliana's dress

"Oh sorry let me just take it off for one of the staff to iron hmm?," she said sarcastically "it's itchy and too poofy,"

"Oh Lily don't be silly" her mother sighs "your father planned this for you, now stop talking to Abby and mingle okay?,"

"Yeah whatever,"

"Lily, I'm serious, be polite,"

Liliana just walks away to the food stand only to see a man she had not seen before looking at her strangely.

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