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You could say that dance practice didn't go as smoothly as hoped.
It started out well but then when Sam had to twirl Liliana, she tripped over his foot and fell face first.

The music stopped as all attention fixated upon her.

"Oh are you okay," asked Sam as he kneeled down to Liliana's eye level

"I'm great," replied Liliana with her face bright red.
She just embarrassed herself in front of everyone.

"Here let me help you up," exclaimed Sam as he grabbed her hands and pulled her up.

Hazel was laughing at her embarrassed friend before getting elbowed by Amelia to quit it.

When Liliana was facing Sam, his eyes went wide.

"Uh Liliana,"


Sam just continued looking at her.

"Could you quit it and tell me what is wrong,"

"Your face is covered in blood,"

"What!" yelled Liliana as her hands shot straight to her nose.

Henry came up to Liliana and gasped.

"Uh you need to go to the medical wing, um Sam could you?" asked Henry

Liliana was focus on anything but her bleeding nose. She was not ready to be alone with Sam.

"You know Abbey-," started Liliana before being cut off by Sam

"Yeah I'll take her,"

Jason went and grabbed some tissues and then gave them to Sam. Sam gave them to Liliana and started walking to take her to the nurse.

For the first half of the walk it was awkward silence. Sam couldn't bear it anymore so he decided to speak.

"When I said that you looked happy I meant that you looked pretty," said Sam looking forward as he was to nervous to look at Liliana

Liliana couldn't help but blush at his comment. I mean it hurt when she moved her face because of her nose but she couldn't help but smile.

When they made it to the medical wing the nurse told Liliana to sit down on the bed closet to the window. Out that window she could see all of Sam's kingdom.
Sam sat on the opposite bed as the doctor treated Liliana.

"So it isn't broken from what I can see but it is going to be a little bit bruised," spoke the nurse as she cleaned up the dry blood.

"How bruised?" asked Liliana as she didn't want a huge spot on her nose

"Nothing that a little bit of power couldn't fix," smiled the nurse "Let me go and grab some bandages,"

When the nurse left the room fell silent.

"You don't have to stay," said Liliana while playing with her fingers nervously

"I know but I want to stay," answered Sam as he looked up from the floor to look at Liliana

"Why?" scoffed Liliana "don't you hate me?"

"I-," Sam was about to speak before the nurse came back in "ok Sam, your right to go. I've got it from here,"

"O- ok," Sam got up from the bed and left the room.

"Let's get you all cleaned up,"

After Liliana's nose was all bandaged she was told to stay a few more minutes as the nurse wanted to see if the medication she gave her had any side effects.
Liliana got extremely bored. Extremely quickly. So she started mimicking the village people's conversations that she could see happening from outside.
While observing she could see Sam's dad talk with someone. He looked so secretive.
The more they talked. The more frustrated Archer grew.
Before Liliana knew it, Archer took two things from whoever it was down there. The first thing appeared to be a vile filled with something and the second thing appeared to be a dagger.
Once Archer left the person he was talking to came into view.
It was Billy Joel.
King James follower. The man that kidnapped Liliana.

Why was Archer talking to him? Why did Archer take those things that he now possesses?

Whatever the reason. Liliana didn't like the feeling that was brewing inside of her.

677 Words

I know this chapter is shorter then others but it was a filler.

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