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Queen Grace has caught Sam sneaking out once before and this time she had a strange feeling he wasn't going to obey her orders.

"Sam," Queen Grace said knocking on the his bedroom door. She twisted the door knob to find it wasn't locked but unlocked. As she swung open the door and entered she already knew Sam disobeyed her orders and left the castle.
Grace knew Sam hated her because of her style of parenting and running the kingdom but Grace couldn't care less as she knew that her way was far more successful. Grace didn't even want Sam as part of the picture but what can she do. Might as well make his life a living hell. She can remember the wonderful feeling from the first time she won in ruining his life.

"Hey you boy, what is your name again?" said Lady Grace after having just married his father

"Considering you just married my father might give you a hint," said the boy with a roll of his eyes

"Name?" She asked again


"Oh great Stan go and clean up after the guests,"

"It's Sam,"

"Yes yes whatever hurry along now,"

"You can't order me to do anything," scoffed Sam "I'm going out with my friends plus your not my Mom,"

"Well she isn't here now is she,"

Sam just kept on walking out the door when Grace yelled for his father.


Archer comes in after a very heated conversation with his best friend Richard

"Yes Grace,"

"Your son would rather hang around being worthless then help me clean up after the guests,"

"Sam can you help her,"

"Dad but Tom is waiting," retorted Sam

"Now Sam,"



Grace remembers the look on Sam's face at the pure disbelief.

"Oh to relive that moment" she sighed before snapping out of her trance "GUARDS," she yelled as she rushed to the training room.

"Yes your majesty," bowed one of the guards who was in the middle of practicing his combat skills

"Prince Sam left the castle and is roaming the streets can you get a small group together and find him," she sighed "and bring him back here,"

"Yes ma'am," said the guard as he grabbed a group of 8 men to look for this 16 year old boy.


Sam was strolling the streets and it had been just over 2 hours since he left through this bedroom window.
He felt free. When him and his mother went on walks together the towns people were usually happy and talkative. The sun would be shining and his mother would be laughing. He still remembers one of his last walks with his mother. When he was around 13.

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