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It was early the next morning, around 7 in the morning and Liliana decided to leave her room earlier.
When she entered the kitchen to grab some water. Archer was already there.

"Good morning Liliana. Why don't you take a seat," spoke Archer while pouring two drinks

"I'm good. Don't really feel like sitting down with a-,"

"I'll stop you there young lady. Whatever you think you know, you don't,"

"What do you think I know," asked Liliana with her arms crossed

"I think you know. If you tell anyone I will kill your mother and sister,"

"Little bit gruesome but you can't even kill a spider,"

"Let's not forget about Richard and Diana now,"

"Your a monster. I am not letting you kill Sam,"

"You tell anyone. They won't believe you. Trouble seems to follow you around,"

"My mom will and Sam,"

"Sam will believe you over his own father? I don't think so," Archer sighed and looked down at the ground "the reality is, the ball is in 6 days. 6 days until Sam dies and don't think I won't add your family into the mix,"

"What happened to you? You used to be so kind,"

Archer sighed and walked out of the kitchen.

There so no way that Liliana is going to let Archer murder Sam.
There has to be another way.


"So you two lovebirds have a lot of catching up to do," spoke Henry while mentally preparing himself

"What do you mean a lot," asked Sam while approaching Liliana

"You did what? About 10 minutes of practice in a one hour session,"


"Now chop chop get in position," said Henry while clapping his hands together

As they got in the starting position, Liliana's breathe hitched as Sam touched her back

"You know if your uncomfortable,"

"It's fine Sam,"

The two began dancing for not even 2 minutes when Henry stopped the music

"the dance is about connection, show that you have connection instead of acting like this is the worst possible thing in the world,"

Liliana looked into Sam's eyes instead of the ground. When looking at him, he smiles at her which sends butterflies to her stomach.
Liliana didn't realise until looking at Sam that his eyes are hazel with green specks in them. That his lips are a pink rose colour and his hair falls perfectly.
He is very handsome.

When Sam looked at Liliana his stomach turned. It was a good feeling though. Holding her the way he was made him feel complete.
She was incredibly beautiful.

They continued to dance while staring into each others eyes until they got up to the point of the song that hadn't learned yet.

"THERE IS IT. THERE IS THAT CONNECTION!" said Henry while clapping his hands together. "Ok it's about two minutes until the others join us so have a quick break,"

Connected but separatedWhere stories live. Discover now