The Final Ball

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It was time for the ball.
Everyone whom was invited was already in there.

It was time for everyone to be introduced.

"Welcome Welcome everyone. Thank you for coming. I am Alice Darling the host of tonight's event and this is my co host Archer Middleton,"

Everyone started to clap and cheer as she paused for a moment.

"Thank you, thank you," said Alice while waving her hands to tell them to be quiet "before I introduce everyone I will explain what this event is for. It is for the people whom we all lost this year. For sons, daughters, fathers, brothers, sisters, mothers, friends and neighbours. They will be missed and remembered for all eternity. This is what this ball is being held for. To remind us of their great sacrifice and to wish for a better and brighter future," Alice begun to grow teary and stepped down off the stage and allowed Archer to continue.

"Now with all that said I would like to introduce our visitors.
To start off with we have my brother Henry and his husband Harry with their Son , Charlie Fall," spoke Archer as the doors opened.
Claps and cheers were heard as they made their way down the stairs.
"Next we have Paul Steward and Bethanne Darling,"

As the two of them made their way to the bottom Alice accompanied them.

"Now for our heroes who help save and restore our lives.
First we have Abbey Steward and Jason Bolt,"


As the doors closed behind Abbey and Jason that only meant that Liliana's entrance was only coming closer.

She had her plan.
She would stay next to Sam as much as possible and keep an eye on him.
She will also look out for the mystery girl who was suppose to take Sam to his room and kill him. So Liliana was going to keep her eye on Sam and Archer.
How hard can that possibly be?

Tom and Amelia walked out meaning it was Liliana and Sam next.

"Liliana before we go out, I wanted to say-," spoke Sam before he was interrupted

"Next we have our finally two Heroes. Liliana Darling and my son Sam Middleton,"

"You look beautiful," finished Sam as he grabbed her hand


The two walked out holding hands as they approached the middle of the room where their friends were.

The girls were given their rose and got in starting positions.
The boys put their right hand on the girls left hand while putting their left hand on the girls waist. The girls then put their right hand on the boys shoulder.

"Tonight to start off this event there will be a dance to symbolise the meaning of this ball. Remember life is to short to waste,"

Liliana felt rage in her chest.
How dare he say that when he plans to kill his son.

The music began as Liliana took a deep breath in.

"Hey don't be nervous,"

Liliana smiled at Sam before she was twirled around.

(My description of this dance in fact did not eat. So when they are dancing just think about the live action beauty and the beast where Belle and Beast danced. So we are just going to fast forward to after the dance but keep in mind I described the start and ending of the dance differently then how it was portrayed in the movie)

When the song finished both Sam and Liliana were looking into each others eyes so deeply that they forgot everyone else in the room existed. Sam held Liliana so close to his chest that every time she took a breath he could feel her chest rising and falling.
Their faces were so close together that they could feel each other's breaths.

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