Check ups

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The ball is tomorrow.
Liliana hasn't been able to tell anyone about Sam because she has been visiting her kingdom.
Since her family has been at the Middleton Kingdom, No has been at the Darling Kingdom.
No one of royal status at least.
Liliana's grandfather Phil has been running the kingdom and since Alice wasn't born into royal status, her father was not royalty.
He has done an amazing job though at running the kingdom.
Since Alice was not in the emotional state to run the kingdom properly after Richard died. Phil has been doing it.
He built back the broken homes and held the funerals for the victims of the war.

Anyway the reason the Darling went to their kingdom in the first place is to let them know about the ball coming up and to check up on them.
All was well and the people plus Liliana's grandfather knew about the ball.

On the carriage drive back to the Middleton palace Liliana thought of a way she could tell Sam. The ball was tomorrow and she needed to tell him as soon as possible.
By the time they got back to the palace it was already dark.

They made it just in time for dinner and sat together with everyone.
Abbey and her father. Charlie, Henry and his husband Harry. Sam and Archer. Liliana, Bethanne and Alice.

It was awkward to say the least.
At least for Liliana with Archer sitting in front of her.

"So how is your kingdom doing Alice?" Paul asked (Abbeys father)

"Splendid. My father is doing an excellent job,"

"That is great to hear Alice, I'm very happy to for you," said Harry while drinking his wine.

Charlie went to get a sip of wine from his fathers glass to appear cool in front of Liliana but his father, Henry hit his hand away.

"Don't be foolish Charles," laughed Henry

Charlie rolled his eyes at his father and then hastily sat back down embarrassed.

"So who is excited about the ball tomorrow?" asked Paul

"I know I am," laughed Archer while smiling at Liliana

Liliana was about to speak before she was cut off by Archer

"Aren't you excited to see them dance Alice?" he said while pointing towards Liliana and Sam

"Very. I'm sure Henry did a wonderful job with teaching them,"

"He sure did. Me and Jason have it down packed," spoke Abbey while helping Beth cut her streak

"I can't wait to watch," said Paul smiling at Abbey

"I can't wait to dance with Liliana. She has been an amazing partner," smiled Sam

"Has she?" asked Archer surprised with a raise of his eyebrows

"definitely," replied Sam

Abbey sent a knowing look at Liliana and her cheeks went bright red.
Liliana's stomach started to do so many tricks and she knew why.
From Sam's complement to Archers plan.
There was no way that Liliana was going to be able to tell Sam without throwing up. So instead she is going to make sure nothing happens.

How hard can that be?


It was the day of the ball and everyone was talking.
Liliana's people had arrived and are staying at the houses supplied for them.
Townsman and staff of the kingdom were setting up the venue of the ball while everyone was getting ready.

Earlier that morning Henry made the teenagers run through the dance about fifteen times to make sure he was happy with the end result while his husband Harry made the flowers the girls would be holding.
Charlie because he was not able to go with Liliana, decided to go with Belle.
Since she was the 'only one without a date'.
Alice was practicing her speech that she was to give to everyone while Archer told her he was busy helping the staff with the decorations.
When in reality he was getting the plan into action.
Abbey, Liliana, Hazel and Amelia were all getting ready. Getting their makeup and hair done by professionals.
They were all very excited.
Well all of them except Liliana.

"I'm so excited. I can't wait to dance with Tom," smiled Amelia while twirling in her blue dress. "Best part is that is he will be wearing a matching tie to this dress,"

"All our dates are matching us Amelia. You and Tom are blue. Me and Riley are yellow. Abbey and Jason pink. Liliana and Sam purple," stated Hazel as she got her hair done

"Makes it even more special," hummed Amelia

Abbey laughed at the lovestruck girl before looking towards Liliana.
Liliana has been different.
Not her self lately and Abbey was growing worried.

"Hey Lils. You okay," asked Abbey as the lady applied blush to her cheek

"Better than ever," half smiled Liliana while staring out the window

"O M G, do you reckon the boys are as excited as we are," screamed Amelia

"Let's just say they are," answered Hazel


"How the fuck do you put on a tie?" said Riley while staring at the mirror.

"Don't ask me. I didn't learn how to tie my shoe laces till last week when Liliana taught me," sighed Tom while standing up off the bed

"Are you for real right now Tom," snickered Jason "you didn't know how to tie your laces?"

"Why do you think I always wore velcro shoes?"

"Thought that was your thing. I don't know," laughed Jason while shrugging his shoulders.

"Speaking of Liliana. How is it going with her Sam," asked Riley while Jason did his tie

"Not sure. I did all the things you guys told me to do and I can't tell if they have gotten through to her,"

"Only one way to know. Ask or even tell her tonight," said Tom

"What! No way am I doing that! When and how would I even do it,"

"Uh yes way. Just pull her away after the dance and tell her how you feel,"

"It's not that simple," said Sam

"But it is man," stated Tom "Just say I Love You,"


"For fuck sakes. Man up and tell her. Before it's to late," yelled Jason

"Fine fine. I'll try,"

"Not you will try. It's you will," said Tom

1035 words

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