Secrets unfold

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Days have gone by since Liliana met her new friends. Since Sam was unable to go back to his palace he stayed with Riley and since Liliana could not go home she stayed with Amelia.
She has learnt a lot about herself in the past few days. She misses her family dearly and catches herself wondering how her mother is. Is she alive? Is she safe? Liliana also wonders about her sister Beth. Where is she? Is she alive? Is she okay? She's knows she's alive she just doesn't know where. Liliana tries not to think to much about her family. There is not much she can do. Actually there is nothing she can do. Other than that she has grown much closer to her friends, surprisingly closet to Sam. He has been very kind and supportive. She has yet to tell him about the war and her father but when the time is right she will. The boys Riley, Jason and Tom are very kind as well and generous. They have been mindful not to cross any boundaries but also love to give hugs to Liliana. The girls Hazel and Amelia are so sweet and caring that she considers them very good friends. Especially Amelia considering she is allowing Liliana to stay in her home. The 6 of them wanted Liliana to teach them how to fight and use weapons like she can. Liliana can fight like no other. Her mother taught her and Beth how to use swords and bow and arrows. It was very hard to find these weapons considering Queen Grace banned them but they managed. So the past few days Liliana has been teaching them. Some are picking up better then others and some are struggling. She teaches them in a near by forest that is not to far from the cliff. She is actually teaching them right now.

"This is to easy," spoke Riley as he defeated Tom in a battle

"Oh screw you Riley," said Tom trying to defend himself

"It's like you have two left feet," laughed Amelia

Over time it came pretty clear to Liliana that there was something happening between Tom and Amelia. Amelia admitted to liking Tom. She said that his hair was the main reason but that his laugh is contagious and it always makes her smile.

Tom rolled his eyes and went to grab a drink.
Liliana has never seen him act this way before and felt bad for Tom so she went to comfort him.

"Hey Tom,"

"Sup," replied Tom
It was clear to Liliana that he wasn't in the right head space.

"Hey you know you aren't bad,"

"No but your wrong, I can't barely use a sword,"

"You only have been learning for a few weeks," Liliana paused "you know you are better at the bow n arrow then anyone else here," said Liliana putting her hand on his shoulder

"For real?"

"Yeah I mean," Liliana looked over at Amelia who was looking at her. Liliana used her eyes and signalled for Amelia to come over "let's ask Amelia,"

"Hey guys,"

"Hey Amelia don't you think Tom here is amazing at the bow n arrow,"

Amelia picked up on the hint and went with it "yeah your really good at it Thomas,"

Tom looked at Amelia and his cheeks went red. Liliana took this as a sign to let the two be.


It was beginning to hit night fall and Jason thought it was a good idea to bring alcohol to this training session.

As everyone was packing up was when he decided to bring it out. After every training session the group hides the weapons behind trees and in bushes. So they wouldn't be found.

"Hey everyone look at what I brought," said Jason holding two bottles of alcohol.

"Jason what are you," said Hazel rolling her eyes

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