Does love make you crazy?

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When Liliana entered the building she replays the moment in her head that only happened hours ago. Seeing a knife to her sisters throat made her feel sick. So sick.
The Middleton home is still grey and gloomy. It was empty. The same as it was before. Only this time Liliana had weapons.
As she began walking up the stairs she heard a women speak.

"Thought you might be back,"


"Oh really hmm?" scoffed Liliana as she looked at her. Grace wore a baby blue dress that sits just at her shoulders. Her hair up. If you looked at her you would think she was lovely but she is anything but that.

"I see you are wearing one of the many dresses I choose to keep in that tower,"

"Well it's ugly like it's founder,"

"Now you sound just like your mother,"

"You don't know anything about my mom nor my family," Liliana spoke as she approached Grace slowly

"Now that is far from the truth. I know your parents as well as that nasty boy's parents,"

"Sam is not nasty,"

"Oh then you mustn't know him,"

Liliana scanned the room for any signs that there were other people around

"Calm child, it is just us,"

"Why are you telling people that the troops out there are Lydia troops and why are you doing this. Just why kidnap my sister. My family has never been anything but kind to you,"

"Wrong. Your family is the root of all evil,"



Liliana was lost for words. How did she know her family.
At some point when they were yelling at each other Grace grabbed a bow and arrow that now laid in her hands.

"Your father never even looked at me, so I waited and waited so I can get revenge on your mother. She was my best friend and she went on to marry Richard. The only reason they have not recognised me is because I like nothing like I used to,"

"My father not loving you has nothing to do with Sam,"

"Well Diana and Archer they were simply cruel. Diana got Richard and Alice together. Diana told me to move on and that Richard will never see me that way. So I had someone kill her,"

"Your the reason Diana is dead? Why because she told you to move on. Your crazy,"

"Maybe but I was also crazy in love with your father. So what do I do? I marry Archer to try and get closer to Richard. Didn't work out though so instead I planned on ruining Alices life,"

"I don't blame my father for never laying eyes on something like you,"

"Doesn't matter now does it, my brother killed your father,"

No what. King James is Graces brother.
Liliana's face stilled with shock.

"Don't be so surprised, my brother was in love with your mother at your age. So when he saw you at the ball, he fell in love all over again. You look just like your mother when she was 16,"

"Your the reason for my fathers death,"

"No my brother is,"

"Did you not just say that you loved my father?"

"Love makes you crazy. I mean take Sam for example,"

"What do you mean,"

"He came here to look for answers for you. To the place that he hates the most. Not only that but you came back here knowing you would most likely be killed. You love him,"

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