Grief is a slow process

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It's been 5 days since Liliana spoke with Grace. Five days Grace has been dead.
Liliana hasn't spoken to her mother about it because she doesn't know what to say or what to ask.
On top of that, Richards funeral is tonight. It's being held at the Middleton Palace because it is the place where her dad was the most happiest. Especially when Richard was little.
Liliana didn't go to Graces execution because she didn't feel like watching her mother kill a women.

When Liliana walked into the ceremony all eyes laid on her. The friends she made since her arrival here. Abbey, her mother and sister, Archer and Sam. They all laid their eyes on her. She hasn't spoken much since that night she found Sam. She hasn't really made an appearance, so she didn't  interacted with Amelia and them a little over a week.
Which was unusual to them because she was always talkative but they also understood since what she has been through. Grieving is a slow process.

"Hey," spoke Amelia as she approached Liliana's side. Amelia and Hazel heard from Abbey about how Liliana wished to speak to Grace. They understood as they too would want answers to their questions or concerns from the person who committed those hurtful attacks.

"Hi," replied Liliana softly

"How you holding up?" asked Hazel while rubbing Liliana's shoulders

"Okay, I guess,"

The girls talked and caught up with one another. Until the ceremony began.

"I want to start by thanking everyone for attending Richards funeral. I know the last few months weren't ideal but we must move forward as a community and get back on our feet. Anyway," spoke Alice. Liliana could tell she was trying not to cry in front of everyone. Liliana's mother was a strong woman but never thought it is ok to show weakness from time to time. Alice refused to ever appear vulnerable. "My husband was an amazing man. An even better ruler and an even better father. I have had time to grieve his death but-,"

Liliana tuned out of the speech. She had so many thoughts clouding her mind. The only thing that brought her back to reality was the sound of her name being called from the microphone.

"Liliana can you come up and say a few things please," asked Alice looking at her daughter. Alice looked like she was going to break at any second. So Liliana quickly hopped up and took the microphone off her mother.

"Uh," muttered Lily as she stood up in front of everyone. She didn't know what else to say then what she was feeling, so she went for it "ok I don't think I can ever get over my fathers death. I mean how could I when I witnessed it. I watched my own father die and I didn't even have time to grieve about it because I was then sent away. Having to leave my mother and kingdom behind," Liliana let a tear fall down her cheek as she stood quietly for a moment "I love my dad. My dad was a kind and generous person. I don't think I could of gotten a better dad then him. He was there when I needed him and when I didn't," Liliana couldn't help but start to cry "um, I think it's time Archer spoke,"
The minute Archer took mic was when Liliana ran out of the venue. In tears.

She doesn't feel like herself. She isn't herself. She hasn't spoken to her sister since she found her or her friends until today.
Sam isn't talking to her, neither is Abbey. Not to mention her mother.

"Liliana," said someone from behind her "honey come back out side, your sister is about to speak,"

It's her mother.

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