I love yous and goodbyes

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Liliana searched everywhere for Sam and she could not find him.
His room was a fail.
The kitchen was a fail.
The balcony was a fail.
The library was a fail.

Fail, fail, fail and fail.
Liliana even went and sat in the medical room to see if he would come.
Guess what! That was a fail too.
There was one room that Liliana didn't search because she would rather not go in there.
The ballroom.
After everything that happened there.
She rather not enter.
But where else could Sam be?

"Sam?" said Liliana softly

When she entered. She saw Sam on the ground.
Where she was shot.
He looked sad, almost angry.


Sam turned around at the sound of his name being called.
His eyes were red and puffy. His cheeks were stained with tears.

"Liliana. Your awake,"

"So it appears I am," laughed Liliana trying to brighten the mood "how are you Sam?"

"I should be asking you that," spoke Sam while tearing his eyes away from Liliana

"While I'm awake and I'm okay but how are you?"

"I'm fine,"

"Are you sure Sam?" asked Liliana while sitting next to him

"I'm sur-," Sam stopped speaking and looked at Liliana. He then began to break out in tears "I'm fine, I have to be fine,"

"No you don't Sam. Tell me,"

"I um my father he uh-," said Sam while once again looking away from Liliana. Sam couldn't find the words. He felt broken.

"I know," said Liliana while grabbing his cheek to turn him to look at her "but your okay," she spoke while caressing his cheek

"But you were stabbed,"

"And I'm here,"

Sam was over not telling her. So he just said what he longed to say.
"Liliana you almost died. When I saw you on the ground. Lifeless. My heart ached not only because I thought I lost you but because I never got to tell you I love you,"

Liliana's heart fluttered and her face burned bright red

"I regret not telling you that day in nurses office. I don't know why-," continued Sam

Liliana interrupted him by kissing him.
But as soon as their lips touched she pulled away.

"I'm sorry I don't know-,"

Sam stopped her by leaning in and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Her breath hitched.

Sam leaned in allowing his lips to brush hers, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that he could inhale her breath, feel the warmth of her skin as he held her cheek in the palm of his hand.
Then it felt like the world stopped the second their lips touched.
This kiss meant something far more than love. It displayed a sense of vulnerability and passion.
Liliana tilted her head to the side to allow the kiss to deepen more as her hand went to Sam's neck. They moved in rhythm with each other as if they have done it before.

They both then pulled away so that they could breathe.
Sam held eye contact with Liliana. Looking at her with so much emotion. The way he looked at her could be explained in a thousand words.

For the first time, Liliana felt shy around him. Her heart raced so fast that it felt like it was beating out of her chest. Yet she also couldn't look away from Sam.

They both couldn't believe that almost loosing each other is what took them to realise how they felt.
It was now known they both love each other.


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