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It was a day and a half later.
Abbey, Jason and her father came in time to stop the war and save the towns people. Only 3 died from the war.
Sam was still in the medical wing as he had stuffered multiple injures. There was a short period of time where there was no certainty he would make it but thankfully he will be fine.

Since Archer found out about all the evil Grace was doing, he had her locked up in the dungeon. There was no decision made in what will happen to her.
Thankfully Liliana's mother was alive. In fact back home she was creating a safe place for the families who were harmed and for the children who lost their parents.
It was found to be that 24 lives were taken in that war.
Last night Liliana couldn't sleep.
When she would try she would see Sam lying on the floor covered in blood. Why would he go up and there and fight him. Why would he put himself at risk.

Everyone was right now doing something to make up for the damage that this incident has caused.
Amelia, Jason, Tom, Riley and Hazel were all in the village helping fix what was broken. They fixed things from windows to roofs. A lot was smashed.
Fortunately, their families were okay.
Archer and Alice were right now deciding what to do with Grace and how to build back the civilisation that was destroyed.
Belle was helping Beth get back on her feet. Getting her back in routine. Since Liliana wasn't able to come to terms with everything that has happened.


Right now at this very moment 3 days after the war Liliana was sitting on a bench in the Middletons family garden. Where she had one of her last memories with her father. At one of the many balls that Grace would throw. Back then Liliana was confused as to why she threw so many. Of course now she knew.

Flash back

"Hi darling why are you not inside," asked Richard as he sat himself right next to his daughter

"Don't really feel like dancing with Sam nor being stared at every two minutes,"

"I don't blame them for looking. My mothers dress looks fantastic on you,"

"Thanks dad,"

The two sat in silence for a minute.
Before King Richard grabbed him daughter's hand in his. "You know darling girl, no matter what everyone else is doing or thinking. I will always love you,"
King Richard said this not only because it is true but because he fears what will happen to him in the future. After these letters he was receiving he wasn't sure if he will be able to have many more moments with his daughter like this.

Liliana smiles at her father while resting her head on his shoulder.

"I love you too dad,"

End of flashback

A tear rolled down Liliana's cheek remembering her father. She hasn't had time to grieve his death. It didn't sink in until now. Until she really had time to sit down and think about him.

"Hello sweetheart," spoke Alice as she sat next to her "I know we haven't had time to talk since I've arrived. Are you doing okay?"

"Yes," Liliana looked at her mother as she began to cry "no, mom I'm not. He's really gone,"
Alice grabbed her daughter and held her tight.

"I know love. I know, but I am so proud of you. You've done so well,"

"He didn't deserve to die. Not like that," cried Liliana "and Sam. I don't even know if he will be okay,"

"Darling, that is what I am here to talk about, He is awake and asking for you,"

Liliana looked at her mother and half smiled.


"Yes my dear,"


When she walked in Sam looked better. He had a cut on his cheek and a cut lip. Those were the only visible ones.

"Liliana," breathed out Sam as he sat right up against the bed frame. "Your ok," he spoke as if it was an observation

Liliana reached the end of the bed, trying to hold back tears. Liliana didn't know what to feel. She felt relieved he was alive but furious he went up there in the first place.

"Why did you follow him up those stairs Sam? You could of died. He would of killed you,"

"He had no remorse for what he did to your father. He saw no problem in marrying you,"

"Sam you don't need to worry about me. First you jumped off a cliff and then you go and fight a man double your age,"

"Why are you acting like this Liliana? I wanted to help you so you didn't have to marry a man who you don't love. That's what you told me or don't you remember,"


Liliana and Sam were finished making their plan of attack to get clues about the letter Richard sent.

When Sam asked "why does James want to marry you?"

"I'm not sure. It's definitely not out of love though. Never even spoken to him more then 3 minutes,"  answered Liliana "why would you want to marry someone if it wasn't even for love?"

"Could be forced. Some girls are,"

"Yeah but I would definitely not marry someone if I didn't love them, but that doesn't matter does it? It isn't up to me,"

"Well let's try and stop it,"

End of flashback

"Yes I said that but you risked your life for my freedom. You can't just do that without thinking. What if he didn't fall and you were the one that did, huh? What if he was the one in this bed and you were the one on the ground," she spoke while rising her voice with each breath

"Why do you care so much. YOUR the one you said you HATE me,"

"I don't hate you Sam,"

"THEN WHAT IS IT!! I DON'T-," Sam was cut off by Liliana


Sam sat there speechless.

"I love you Sam and it sucks that it took me this long to figure out this feeling, but it's love. I know that now,"

Sam didn't say anything back. He just sat there looking at the girl.

"LILIANA COME HERE," shouted Abbey from downstairs

Liliana looked at Sam waiting for him to say it back. It never came. So she left.

1073 words

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