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The war began just hour ago at night fall and Liliana and her parents were all in her kingdom.

Outside the windows you can see men gathering up the women and children with whips and swords. They were burning houses and killing men while making their families watch. They were able to hear the screams and cries for help from inside.
The army was small and untrained. Wasn't much use.

"We must go and help them," Richard said but before he could say anymore there were already people at the castle doors trying to break it down.

Liliana couldn't help but feel guilty. This was her fault. All her fault. Maybe if she sucked it up and married the horrible man her kingdom could be safe.

Richard turned to his wife and eldest daughter.
"Take her away Alice," he said pulling out his sword "keep her safe,"


"ALICE GO NOW," Richard yelled at his wife with tears coming down his face as the door was about to burst open

"Dad," cried Liliana "I can't leave you,"

"Lily you must go now," he said looking at the door "I will be fine," he found it hard to look at his family with the uncertainty with what lies ahead

Alice grabbed her daughters hand and pulled her out the side door and as they exited they heard King James come in.

Alice went to grab a horse from the side horse stable. As Liliana watched her dad in fear through the crack on the door.

"Hello Richard," said James searching the room with his eyes for Liliana "happy to see you,"

"Leave James, you have hurt so many,"

"No, I will leave once I have your daughter,"

"You will never have her,"

"Oh come on Richard, I don't want to fight you, you have already lost a daughter"

Richard is appalled at everyone thinking his little girl is dead.

"You will not marry my daughter,"

"Very well,"

Before Richard could process what was happening King James lugged at him with his sword aiming for his chest but fortunately Richard was able to block it in time making their swords in an x shape.

James spun around and sliced Richards leg from the side making Richard winced at the new wound on his upper leg.

Liliana gasped at this and covered her mouth to make sure her presence wasn't known.

James pulled away causing Richard to have the perfect opportunity to strike James in the back with his sword resulting in James wincing away at that sudden move.


"YOU WILL NOT HURT MY FAMILY!!!" yelled Richard charging at the man to finish him.
All of the sudden it was like Richard couldn't feel anything. He looked down to his chest and saw a sword in his lower stomach.

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