The plan

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Things started to die down after training. Thankfully only Sam and Liliana heard the men talking. So the other five had no clue what was happening and thankfully the men did not recognise any one but Liliana and Sam so as far as they knew, their friends were safe.

It all started to come together. Liliana and Sam decided not to tell the others as they would want to get help. Liliana wasn't sure if King Archer Sam's dad was reliable, but then again what if he truely did not know. That also means he wouldn't know about her fathers death.

They made a plan and it was simple. Sam would sneak in the way he snuck out. Through his bed room window. He would then go through the corridors and up the stairs to his fathers office to look around. See if there was anything out of the ordinary. Sam didn't feel that his father was a traitor and he wanted to prove that to her. The way her eyes looked when she told him about the war or even the way her eyes looked at him when he jumped off the cliff for her. He didn't know what the feeling was but he yarned to help her.

Sam was super anxious and worried about getting caught. Especially after what happened last time. He gets chills thinking about it.

The plan was in action. Liliana would act like she had no idea what was happening while Sam snuck into the palace.

Sam was feeling super anxious. His bedroom was on the third level. To his advantage there was an arch that he was able to climb that would get him to the second level and from there all Sam had to do was jump up to his balcony and let himself in. Hopefully without the guards noticing.
Unfortunately that didn't so as smoothly as he hoped. His door was locked. Sam was quick to change the plan and decided to climb the very small and steep ledge to his fathers office. If he tripped he was a goner.
Thankfully when he reached his fathers office the window was open.
Sam jumped in after he saw no one was in there and he started searching. Through his father's cabinets and through the draws. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He started to loose hope when he suddenly remembered where his father keeps his letters.

"God I'm stupid," sighed Sam as he grabbed the box on top of the bookshelf.

He looked through every letter when he found it.

"To King Archer" Sam read out "I am writing to you to let you know about some events that are going on in my kingdom. My little girl Bethanne has been kidnapped. We have no clue to where she is. My darling girl Liliana is unfortunately receiving letters from a man named King James about marriage. They've started to become violent," he read aloud to himself but that is where it stops. Usually King Richard signed his name with a capital letter and here it is in lower case. Sam checked the others and they all have upper case. He then noticed that the writing was different and that there was a small tear at the bottom.

"What the," he spoke but quickly covered his mouth when he heard voices down the hall.

"Have you found Sam?"

"No Archer, I told you he is being silly,"
That must be Grace he thought "looking for attention,"

When the voices began to get closer he quickly put everything back in its place and went back out the window taking the letter with him. He was going to leave when he went passed his fathers room to see Graces vanity a mess.

"That's strange," he thought "it is usually always clean"

He felt this feeling that he couldn't shake off and went into his fathers room. He went straight to her desk. His heart sank when he opened her draw. A gold locket with the initials B.D on it.
Bethanne Darling. That is not all he found, he found the other half of the letter. Richards letter hidden in the corner of the draw.

"That is not all. He is coming to my kingdom and starting a war. I'm afraid I am unable to defend my kingdom on my own and ask that you send troops to help me. To help my kingdom," he read aloud. My father is not a traitor. Grace is. He heard the door knob turning so he quickly put the evidence in his back pocket with the other half of the letter.

When he saw who came in his heart dropped.


Liliana was waiting for Sam to come back. She wasn't worried at least she wouldn't admit she was worried for Sam.

"Hey Liliana me and some of the others are going out to practice some more with the weapons," Amelia paused and looked at the stressed girl "are you ok,"

"Yeah I'm fine,"

"Ok? Wait also have you seen Sam?"


"Sam who is Sam,"

"Um yep you have lost the plot," laughed Amelia. "come on you know the Sam that you have a crush on,"

"I do not have a crush on Sam,"

"Oh really now, so you two at training weren't flirting,"

Flash back

"I don't know how to use a bow and arrow Lils," laughed Sam

"Oh come on you have to be better at it then sword fighting,"

"I can sword fight really good actually,"

"Yeah sure Middleton,"

"What I can,"

"Yep I believe you," said Liliana sarcastically

"I'll show you if your so good at it," Sam spoke as he picked up a sword

"Ok go ahead," Liliana got in her stance and smirked at Sam

"Your so gonna lose,"

Liliana then tried to strike Sam but he quickly defended himself. She then strikes again only to lose her balance and fall on top of Sam.

"You good there," smirked Sam

"You good there," laughed Liliana pointing to Sam's red cheeks

End of flash back

"Omg we were not flirting,"

"Yep sure," laughed Amelia and Liliana soon followed. The laughter was short lived when Amelia realised Liliana knew something that she wasn't sharing.

"Lily, what is going on,"


"Where is Sam,"

Liliana knew Amelia wasn't going to give this up and gave in.

"He went back to the palace,"

"Wait he what?"

"He only went to look for some evidence,"

"Evidence? No no Lily you don't get it,"

"What Amelia,"

"Sam's step mom last time he snuck out and got caught had some guards punish him,"

"What," said Liliana with her eyes wide open

"She said next time she caught him she would," Amelia looked at Liliana's face and didn't have the heart to say the rest. Liliana cared for Sam.

"I've got to go,"

"Lily you-,"

"Sam is in trouble Amelia, I have to go,"

And with that Liliana ran to his castle. To try and save him.

1166 words

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