Take a leap of faith

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The group of 7 walked down to the cliff where the usual group of 6 would hang out to get away from the world.

The girls were ahead of the guys as they wanted to talk and get to know Liliana a little bit better.

"So Liliana how long have you known Sam," asked Amelia curious

"Since I was born really, Sam was born 3 months before me so yeah my whole life," said Liliana kicking a rock ahead of her

"So would you ever date Sam," said Hazel looking at Amelia smirking

"God you guys are starting to sound like Abbey," laughed Liliana as they were about to reach the cliff

"Abbey?" said the girls combined

"She's my best friend, she is princess to Kingdom Hart,"

The girls grew more interested in their friends life while the boys were pissing off Sam because they haven't seen him in a few weeks.

"Sam deadass as much as you hate your step mom," Tom paused and decided to choose his next words carefully "you got to admit she's hot,"

"DUDE," yelled Sam as the girls turned around and rolled their eyes at him

"Quiet Middleton," said Liliana before walking a little bit faster

Tom and Riley snickered while Sam's face went red.

"Yo dude Liliana is also hot," said Jason eyeing her

"Your not wrong," said Tom

Riley laughed at the two before looking at the frustrated Sam

"Hey man, you still got a thing for her or something," said Riley patting his friends back.

Sam was about to respond before the four boys heard a squeal and a splash

4 minutes ago

"We are here," said Amelia with her arms stretched

"The cliff," sang Hazel while doing jazz hands

"Has anyone ever jumped or fallen off this before," questioned Liliana looking off the cliff

"Yeah once but it's a death sentence," replied Amelia

"Yeah this one kid Tony jumped apparently and he now he is in a wheelchair for the rest of his life," added Hazel

Liliana needed to do something crazy. She needed to do something now. She felt like she was stuck and she couldn't get out. She felt frozen since her fathers death and she hasn't been able to grieve properly. So without another thought she jumped.


The boys heard the commotion and began running towards the girls.


The boys were questioning the girls but Sam put two and two together. Liliana isn't there and they heard a splash. Liliana is in trouble. Without another second wasted Sam jumped right in to save her.

"SAM," yelled Riley trying to grab his friend

Even though Liliana jumped first they both came up for air at the same time.

Liliana was coughing but also laughing at the same time.

"WOAHHH," she yelled

"Liliana is a bad ass bro," said Jason watching in amazement  from the top

"Liliana are you fucking crazy," said Sam looking at the drenched girl "you could of killed yourself,"

"Oh stop being such a mood killer," laughed Liliana as she turned to the boy as she barely could keep herself afloat she saw how worried he was "oh you look actually scared," said Liliana while splashing water at him

"Liliana did you even think when you jumped," asked Sam as he swam to the girl

"I needed to do it okay," said Liliana looking at him in the eyes. "Stop worrying about me, you jumping in the water could of gotten you killed as well,"

"You were in trouble,"

"I wasn't in trouble,"

Liliana looked at the boy you was in front of her. He looked different. Usually when she looked at him she couldn't stand it. She's not saying he is a bad looking dude it's just every time she did look at him she wanted to gorge out her eyes and blench them. But his eyes looked at her different. Full of worry and fear. He cared for her and it showed.
He has matured since the last time they spoke.

"I thought you fell,"

Before Liliana could respond she heard water splashing and saw her new friends coming into the water all smilies and giggles.

"That was sick as Liliana," said Tom swimming to the girl to fist bump her

"Yeah Lils wish I was there to see it," said Jason "oh man you should've seen the look on Sam's face man,"

"Nah Sam was all like 'oh nooo Liliana' it was so funny," said Riley floating in the water only to be sat on by Sam dragging him under the water to get him to shut the fuck up.

"Liliana I know I just meant you but shit you had me scared as hell up there," said Amelia hugging her friend

"Same here Lily," said Hazel joining the hug

Liliana felt safe. She knew no one could hurt her as long as she was with them.  She knew she just met them and barely knew them 3 hours but they showed so much kindness and compassion to her. Since a day ago before her father was killed this is the most loved and appreciated she has felt. She needed that.

867 words

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