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When Liliana was let out of the medical room, the first thing she did was head straight to Archers office. Until someone stopped her in her tracks.

Charlie. Henry's son and Sam's cousin.

(Charlie is a new character I've decided to add now and he is played by Brady Noon)

"Hey Liliana. How you feeling?" asked Charlie while running to catch up to Liliana

"Fine," she said rather quickly as she turned a corner

"That is great to hear. I'm sorry about my clumsy cousin for making you trip,"

"It wasn't Sam's fault. I tripped,"

"Yeah. Over his huge foot," spoke Charlie in a harsh voice

Liliana didn't respond to his comment and just kept walking.

"So. Are you his date to the ball?"

"Mhm, was asked to be by my mother,"

Charlie was over how rushed Liliana was. So he stood in front of her and leaned against the wall.

"Well, ditch him and go with me,"

A little back story. Charlie basically ever since he could speak. Flirted with Liliana all the time. Charlie was jealous of his cousin and wanted to be better then Sam. At everything.

"Go with you?"

"Yeah. I'm way better then my cousin anyway," said Charlie rather smugly

Liliana sighed "look as... intriguing this is. I am going with Sam. Now I am in the middle of something," Liliana began walking again "good day Charles,"

"What a shame Liliana. I hope you at least save me a dance," called out to Charlie behind her as she walked away


When Liliana reached Archers office, she knocked on the door 5 times.
No response.
She knocked again.
No response.
She internally sighed and tried to open the door.
It was open.
When she walked in the room was a mess.
Books everywhere. Paper ripped and torn.

"What are you hiding Archer?" asked Liliana as she began walking into the room after closing the door.

Before she could even begin searching, she could hear steps and voices outside. Heading towards the office.
Liliana rushed to the desk before hiding underneath it.

"We have done well to cover up our tracks," spoked someone as they opened the door and entered the room

"Very well indeed," said another

"It's a shame I have to kill him,"


"Maybe there is another way?"

"No. Grace did well in trying to corrupt the kingdom. To bad that girl ruined it. Now I must get rid of my son so she understands how painful and gut wrenching losing something you care about can be,"

Now she recognises that voice. It's Archer.

"Ok so run the plan over with me again,"

"The night of the ball. After the dance. You will call over my son and take him outside. You will then bring him into his bedroom and kill him,"

"And if I'm caught?"

The second voice is becoming more clear. It's a girl.

"Trust me. You won't be,"

And with that they left the room.
Liliana needed to tell Sam.


It was now dinner time. The afternoon went by so fast that Liliana didn't even have a second to talk to Sam.
At todays dinner it was just Archer, Sam, Liliana, Alice, Henry and Charlie.
Beth was to tired to come and eat.
Abbey and her father had some important business to take care of.

The dinner was extremely awkward.

"So Liliana, how is your nose?" asked Sam while looking forward at Liliana

"My nose is going to be fine. Thanks for taking me to the nurse,"

"Don't mention it,"

"What happened to your nose?" asked Alice

"She fell over Sam's foot while dancing," said Charlie while glaring at Sam "I for one think I would be best at dancing with her,"

"Oh son, you can barely walk in a straight line," laughed Henry

Alice laughed "it doesn't matter anyway, they are dates,"

"I could be her date," said Charlie while smiling

"I am quite sure they are happy to go together," said Alice growing annoyed at the boy

"Yeah, Liliana is a great date," said Sam
He was trying to use the skills that the boys taught him

Liliana blushed at the comment before the redness on her face went from embarrassed to irritated

"What about you Liliana. Thoughts on Sam?" asked Archer

"Sam is great,"

Archer nodded firmly and continued eating

"You know what Archer-," said Liliana before getting interrupted

"It's Mr Middleton to you,"

"Yeah yeah whatever. How about I give my thoughts on you,"

"Liliana," said Alice while staring at her daughter in raged

"What. Let me ask you something. Opinions on how Grace nearly corrupted the kingdom,"

That's when Archers face dropped. He knew someone was in his office. Now Liliana knew about the plan.

"I um, I think uh,". Archer scanned the room with his eyes and rubbed the beads of sweat off his face "I think it's time this dinner came to an end,"

"Okay. Liliana and Sam could you come with me. You two are behind on the dance and need to catch up," spoke Henry as he gave his dish to the staff behind him

"Can't they just go to practice earlier then the others? After all it is late," said Alice

"Yeah okay fine. 9 am. The both of you,"

How was Liliana going to tell Sam?

888 words

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