Waking up

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When Liliana woke up, her head was spinning. She never felt anything like it before.
She had so many questions about what happened.

"Your awake," said someone from the corner of the room

"What happened,"

"Firstly you jumped in front of a dagger for a boy," they laughed while approaching slowly

"He isn't just a bo- wait who. Who are you,"

"I'm the greatest person on the face of the earth,"

"Abbey..." breathed Liliana as she sat up

"Not to quick, you have been out for 3 weeks,"


"Shhh. Yeah you lost a lot of blood,"

"Oh my. Wait how's Sam, how's Hazel. Wait Archer!" spoke Liliana panicked

"It's okay. Calm down. I'll tell you,"

Liliana nodded softy at Abbey before laying down.

"Ok well firstly, when you got hit. Everyone was in a panic. Sam and your mother rushed to you in a blink of an eye. Some towns people grabbed Archer and pinned him down while you were being carried by Sam to the nurse,"

"Wait so Sam is-,"

"Okay physically but emotionally no. After you were hit, he blamed himself. He was always at your side when you were in here but other than that, he stayed in his room. Kept to himself. Hasn't really spoke to anyone unless he had to,"

Abbey paused as she looked at Liliana. Liliana was devastated. Her heart ached for Sam and she understands what he was feeling. Abbey decided to keep filling Liliana in.

"Archer was executed along side Billy Joe. Your mum didn't have the heart to kill him but the public voted for him to be killed after they found out he was the reason behind Richard and Diana's death,"

"So Archer is dead?"


"What about Hazel,"

"She confessed to her crimes. But they weren't extensive at all. She apologised to Sam. She is on probation and has to do community service,"

"Is everyone mad at her. They shouldn't be,"

"They aren't. Well not anymore. It was hard to look at her the same,"

"Good. They shouldn't be mad. She was blackmailed,"

"We know now,"

"So who is running this kingdom? Since Archer is gone,"

"Henry and Harry. Mary, Sam's aunt is doing a great job at running their kingdom so they have decided to take over this one. They have done an excellent job so far. They have helped the community and assured people that the chaos is over. As well as that. They are extraordinarily kind," smiled Abbey

There was a brief moment of silence before Abbey spoke again.

"I thought I lose my best friend that day Lily. You scared me. If I lost you. I wouldn't know what to do with myself,"  confessed Abbey as she started to cry.

"You can't get rid of me that easily Abbey," Liliana grabbed her friend and held her tightly in her arms.

They sat like that for a while before someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it," asked Abbey

"Your favourite,"

Liliana smiled.
It's her favourite village kids.

"Come in," giggled Liliana

Jason, Riley, Tom and Amelia came crashing through the door. They charged their way to Liliana and group hugged her so tight.

They all began talking at once making Liliana look at them confused.

"I can't make out a word you guys are saying," laughed Liliana

"Ok ok I'll go first," announced Jason as he put his fingers to Tom and Riley's lips. "I just wanted to say, you had as all concerned. I mean it princess. Don't go and do that again. Also you were pretty badass when you jumped in front of that dagger,"

Liliana smiled at her friend before another started speaking.

"Thanks for jumping in front of the dagger. Sam most likely couldn't handle being stabbed with a dagger unlike you-," started Tom before being cut off by Amelia

"What Tom is trying to say is that. Thank you for saving Sam but your life is as important as his to us. And you are so special to us and we love you," smiled Amelia while grabbing Liliana's hand

"Yeah and Archer is a dick," finished Riley which caused everyone to break out in laugh.

"Wait where's Hazel," asked Liliana causing everyone to look at her

"Doing community service," said Riley with his head hung low rubbing the back of his neck

"You guys aren't mad at her right?"

"No not at all-," began Jason before being cut off

"A little yeah. She was going to kill Sam," spoke Tom

"Yeah but not by choice. Archer was going to kill her parents if she didn't,"

Everyone sat there silently while shame and guilt started to take over them.

"Your right Liliana," said Riley "she is my girlfriend and I should've been there for her,"

"No you guys have the right to be mindful but you shouldn't be mad at her,"

"Your right," spoke Amelia when someone came to the door

Everyone turned around to see Alice and Bethanne.

"I've been told my darling girl is awake," smiled Alice

Everyone got up to leave after saying goodbye but before Abbey left the door she told Liliana to look for Sam later.

"Hi sweetie,"

"Hi mom,"

Alice sat down on the bed while Bethanne stood beside Liliana.

"How you feeling?"

"I'm feeling fine mom,"

"You had us worried out there. Why didn't you tell anyone about Archer," interrogated Alice

"Because he threatened to kill you both. I couldn't lose you," replied Liliana

"Lily. We Darlings aren't easy to get rid of, if you couldn't tell by now," smiled Bethanne

Liliana giggled at her little sister while grabbing her hand as well as her mothers.

"I love you both so much," said Alice while kissing Liliana's forehead "now I believe you have a boy to see,"


"Yeah and Lily I don't even think he even knows your awake yet," continued Bethanne

"Well I'm not going to wait another minute to see him,"

995 words

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