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It was the next day and Liliana was outside on the archery course.
She felt bad about going off at her mother and Archer. But if you think about it, her question was valid.
I mean she wasn't trying to suggest anything about Archer. Like he was a mad man or something, but it is a bit strange how he never saw anything.
Other than that, Liliana found out that the ball is being held in a weeks time from Abbey.

With all these thoughts clouding her head, it was hard to concentrate on hitting the target with the arrow.
She shot and she missed.

"Not doing to great huh?" said someone from behind her

When she turned around she saw Hazel, Amelia and Abbey.

"Oh hello to you too," said Liliana as she got in her position to try and shoot again

"Hi," giggled Amelia as she sat down on a haystack "so Liliana we spoke to your mom about the ball,"

"Right," responded Liliana as she shot and again missed. For the 100th time.

"And she said that we will all be congratulated. You know for our part in saving everyone," spoke Hazel proudly

Liliana didn't respond but again got in her position to shoot

The three girls looked at each other. Liliana's mother told them something else and Liliana was not going to like it.

"And she said that we all must bring a plus one. You know like a date," said Abbey shyly

"I'm going with Tom,"

"And of course I'm bringing Riley,"

"Yeah? That's great guys,"
Liliana was confused as to why they were telling her about how the ball works. She knows you have to bring a plus one. And her plus one is Abbey. Always has been.

"Liliana I asked Jason to be my plus one," said Abbey smiling awkwardly at Liliana as the girl turned to face Abbey

"That's okay. You guys have been like flirting all day every day. I'll just take Beth," said Liliana as she turned back to shoot the arrow.

"About that. Your mom said that Beth has a date with a boy already," spoke Hazel as she was about to announce the news. "And she said that since you and Sam have no date. That you two will go together,"


Liliana shoot the arrow and it missed by a mile.

"I CANT GO WITH SAM AFTER I EMBARRASSED MYSELF!" yelled Liliana panicked as she dropped the bow and turned to the three girls behind her

"Your mom said you must," announced Amelia


"Hey you know maybe all you guys have to do is learn this dance together and preform it,"


"Your mom said that because us and the boys saved the Middleton kingdom and the Darling kingdom that we have to learn this special dance," answered Abbey starting to feel empathetic towards Liliana

"No no no. Can't we just do the waltz?" spoke Liliana while getting more anxious by the minute "wait does he know?"

"Maybe," said Abbey while smiling

"You know, maybe Sam is just as anxious," suggested Amelia

"Or maybe he hates me and I made things so awkward that he will flee his kingdom just so he doesn't have to dance with me,"

"Ok a bit dramatic," sighed Hazel while patting Liliana's back

Amelia took a second to process all of which was been said and realised that she hadn't known something prior.

"Wait Abbey and Jason?"


"You know maybe she forgot?" said Tom while he looked out the window

"Forgot that I sat there like an idiot, I highly doubt that," complained Sam while he sat on his bed with his head in his hands

"Well it is your fault for not telling her," laughed Riley

"I can't say it. I feel it but I don't know how to say it,"

"It's literally 3 words," spoke Jason while looking at his friend dumbfounded

"You know what, you and Tom can't talk. You guys like Amelia and Abbey but haven't told them," stated Sam while getting off his bed

"Well that's because they haven't said it to us. I mean shouted," remarked Tom

Sam rolled his eyes at his friend

"And they know because we do little things,"


"Compliments. Gestures. Physical touch like holding hands or hugs," said Jason like it was the most obvious thing

"You know what. I'll give it a try,"

"So you are just going to go up to Liliana and hold her hand?" asked Riley like his friend was stupid

"No. I don't know. I'll figure it out,"

"Well the dance lesson is in 23 minutes so let's get ready," said Tom as he walked away from the window and towards the door


"I can't do it. I can't," cried Liliana as her friend Amelia was dragging her to the door of dance practice.

"Oh my goodness, you will be fine," reassured Abbey

Abbey was glad her friend was focusing on other things rather then what was happened. I mean Liliana was beginning to become herself again.

"No no no," spoke Liliana as the doors opened and inside were all four boys. Including Sam.
Liliana's face went bright red as Sam's eyes laid on her.
She smiled at him and he returned it while scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Ok now that the girls have finally arrived, we shall begin practice," spoke Sam's uncle

Sam's uncle was a man capable of many talents. Dancing was one of Henry's best talents.

"Chop chop, we don't have all day," laughed Henry while watching the awkward teens

Liliana slowly made her way towards Sam. While the others were over the moon that they got to dance with their crushes.

"Hi," said Liliana as she stood in front of Sam

"Hey," responded Sam.
In the corner of his eye he saw Riley making hand gestures. He looked at him strangely before realising what he was saying. Give her a compliment. "You look... very happy," said Sam.
Riley was in shock that was what he came up with.

"Um thank you," responded Liliana as she looked at Abbey with wide eyes.

Sam was proud of himself before realising that Riley was mouthing the words. Are you dumb at him.
Sam's face went red as he realised that was not even a compliment.

"I mean uh," spoke Sam as he panicked on the inside

"Ok we are going to start with the girls placing their right hands on your partners shoulder and your left in the palm of their hand. Boys you will be placing your left hand on their waist.

The two teenagers smiled at each other awkwardly and began practicing.

1127 words

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