Greeting and new found friends

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As the two teenagers approached the town they made sure not to be seen.

"Wait why can't you be seen again," said Liliana whispering as they hid behind a carriage

"The guards," Sam responded directing their eye sight to the men asking the towns people if they had seen him "why don't you want to be seen,"

"No I don't mind being seen," Liliana paused and looked Sam up and down "just not with you,"

Sam shot Liliana an offended look and she couldn't help but break out in a laugh. Sam quickly covered her mouth before their cover could be blown.

"What the hell Liliana," he yelled whispered

"You should've seen your face," giggled Liliana "I'm only joking Sam, who wouldn't want to be caught with someone as handsome as you," Liliana spoke sarcastically

Sam sent Liliana a questioning stare before she started laughing again.

"You think I'm being serious,"

Sam grabbed Liliana's hand and pulled her away from the town and to Amelia's house as quickly as he could because another second there could cost him his freedom.

"Why are you so scared of Grace," asked Liliana genuinely curious

Before Sam responded he quickly jumped a fence and offered Liliana a hand but she scoffed at him and helped  her self over.

Sam rolled his eyes and responded "Doesn't matter,"

"Clearly does,"

They approached a back door and Sam knocked on it. Liliana grew worried. What if this was a trap? What if Sam tricked her? What if King James was on the other side? Before Liliana could panic and run away the door opened.

"Sam hey there are guards every-," the girl looked at Liliana up and down and then back at Sam speechless.

Liliana was growing tired of everyone looking her up and down and decided to speak to ease the awkwardness.

"Hey I'm-,"

"Princess Liliana I- I know," the girl looked at her while she was fan-girling "it's just you are such an inspiration to young girls like me, I- I mean you can fight like hell and -," the girl paused before slapping her face with her palm "how silly of me, I'm Amelia," she said putting out her hand to shake.

Liliana shook it while smiling at the girl in amusement.

"How rude of me, please come in," she laughed while welcoming the two in.

As Liliana entered she saw four other people. 3 boys and another girl. The area was an open home. It had a homey feeling to it and looked like so much love and happiness has happened here. She entered through the kitchen and into the lounge room. She stood their awkwardly while Sam approached his friends smiling and giving them hugs.

"My family are at the markets today and my father is training so they won't be home allllll day," said Amelia sitting on the lounge

"Who's this," said one of the boys

"Why is she wearing a night gown," snickered another

Before Liliana could defend herself Sam did for her.

"Well this is Princess Liliana of Kingdom Lydia,"

"Oh shit my bad," said the first boy "I'm Jason," he spoke approaching the girl while holding his hand out

She shook it while staring at the man with awe. He was very attractive I mean look at his hair, omg his smile. Before Liliana could admire him longer another boy spoke up.

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