The letters

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Everyday for 2 months now King James would send letters to the Lydia Kingdom.
Letters with propositions and deals.
None which the royals would accept.
By the 15th letter Liliana's father
thought it would be best to tell her.
He knew that she would deal with this well as he knows she is a very intelligent, independent young woman.

"Honey, must we tell her," said Queen Alice with her head hung low "after all it isn't necessary"

"We must Alice, she is old enough to understand," replied Richard while looking at the letters spread out on the desk "we don't necessarily have to tell her everything."

As the conversation died out Liliana walked into the room.

"Yes, what is it you would like," grumbled Liliana in a annoyed tone "I was in the middle of something,"

"Sweetie, we have something to tell you," said Alice with her palms sweaty "please sit,"

"Ok," Liliana answered in a questioning voice

"Well, there is no easy way to say this, but um," said Richard looking at the table trying to avoid Liliana's eyes "have you heard of a king named James,"

Liliana nodded "yes, we danced at my ball. Why?"

"Yes," said Richard while stuttering "he wants to marry you,"


"Sweetie lower your voice," Alice said massaging her husband's shoulders

"NO, I AM 16 AND HE IS WHAT 32?"

"Yes, we told him no honey, he has sent many many letters with well um, propositions,"

"Like what," she said with her chest tightening

"Like ones with money, education and alliances,"sighed Richard looking towards the letters

The room fell silent.


Liliana is just sitting in her room looking at her reflection in the mirror with tears in her eyes. When there is a knock at the door.

"Come in,"

"Hi Lily," said her 10 year old sister Bethanne

"Oh hi Beth,"

"Dad, wants to go and ride the horses," said Bethanne walking into the room "want to come,"

"Yeah, yeah I'll get ready,"

Bethanne noticed a tear falling down on Liliana's cheek. Bethanne is an observer. Always notices things that only people miss.

"Lily are you ok," asked Beth walking up to her sisters side

"I'm fine Bethanne don't worry,"

"You sure, I know I'm only ten but Mr Hisn said I am the smartest in the class. So I can offer some pretty good advice,"

Liliana laughed softly before hopping off the chair and leaning down to hug Beth.

"I love you Beth,"

"Love you too,"


After another month of receiving messages from King James, they started to become violent. Richard decided not to tell Liliana or Alice because that will cause unnecessary stress.

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