It isnt a fairy tale after all

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"Hi Sam," said Grace

Sam stood there in fear. He felt as if his whole body stiffened with horror.

"Oh Sam don't look at me like that," sighed Grace while approaching him "I have been so kind to you Sam,"

"Kind? You have been nothing but a witch,"

"Oh Sam what did I say if I caught you sneaking out again?"

Sam took a step back while she took a step forward.

"I said that there will be further consequences," she spoke while two guards came in and grabbed Sam by the arms.

"My father will know Grace,"

"Yeah sure Sam as if he hasn't picked up on anything in the past 3 years. Your father is blind" laughed Grace
"you are not seeing daylight EVER again,"

"Wait no," Sam began to be dragged out the bed room doors and down the stairs "DAD, DAD," screamed Sam as he felt the two guards that Grace hired dig their fingers into his arms.

"Your dad is busy,"

As they reached the doors to the dungeon Sam saw in the corner of his eye Belle. Belle the server who helps him escape.
Belle saw the door slam shut and realised what was going on.


Liliana was no more then an hour away. She couldn't go through the village when there were people looking for her so she had to go the long way. Which killed her on the inside because the longer she took the longer Sam was in trouble.

She ran and ran as fast as she could when she heard a branch snap behind her. She turned as fast as she was able to and saw no one there. So she kept on going before she heard another branch snap. This time when she turned around there was a man. A man with a sword.

She didn't have anything on her. No sword. No bow and arrow. Nothing. I mean don't get me wrong she can fight but not when she is this tired or out of breath.

The man only took about 4 steps towards Liliana before he was knocked out. She never felt so relieved about anything in her life when she saw Hazel and Tom behind.

"Hey Lils,"

"Hey Hazel,"

"Amelia told us about Sam and we are here to help," spoke Tom dropping the piece of wood he held that he used to knock out the man.

Liliana smiled before filling them in and continuing towards the castle.


Sam was thrown in the dungeon quite harshly. The two men walked off leaving Grace and Sam alone.

"Grace my father,"

"Your father is a coward," said Grace interrupting Sam

"No he isn't,"

"He is. Your kingdom was a reck before I came. Clearly your mother Diana had no sense of direction,"

"Don't speak about my mother like that,"

"Your mother was a fool. Too bad she died in that fire huh?"

"How do you- my father never told you,"

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