What lies beneath the surface

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Liliana made it down stairs to Abbey.
Abbey was over filled with joy while Liliana was empty. She just told the boy she loves that she loves him and HE JUST SAT THERE.

"Hey girl, you wont believe what I just over heard," spoke Abbey turning to Liliana "what's wrong? You look... well um-,"

"I just told Sam I love him," said Liliana speaking over Abbey


"I think I've always have. It took almost losing him to realise,"

"Ok ok and what did he say?"

"Nothing," Liliana stood there looking at the ground before she snapped out of her trance and looked at Abbey "um what did you want to tell me?"

Abbey picking up on the hint to change the topic, continued on with what she was saying before "ok there is a few things. Firstly, I know it's been 3 days since you know, everything happened. But but but both villages are back to normal. I mean yes there will be funerals held and lots and lots of people are grieving, but the villages are back to there normal routines. Secondly, your mother has decided to execute Grace,"


"Alice, your mom, has decided to execute her. Thought you'd be happy,"

"No, no I am. It's just-," Liliana looked at Abbey "it's just I need to talk to her first,"



"Why would you want to talk to her? She literally said she would murder all your friends and she tried to kill you,"

"I know I know, I just need to speak to her,"

"You know what, go for it," Abbey looked at Liliana with disgust and left the room

What else is there left to loose. She's already lost her father, her dignity and her best friend. Might as well go for it. Go and talk to Grace.


When Lily told her mom, I guess you could say she was very upset. Why would her daughter want to talk to the women that ruined their lives.

"Mom I need to ask her something,"

"And that is exactly??"

"I- I can't tell you," Liliana hung her head low

"You know what Liliana. Talk to her. Talk to the women who hurt Sam. Who killed Diana. Talk to her women that took your sister. The women that killed your father. THE WOMEN THAT TRIED TO KILL YOU," Alice was about to storm out the door before looking back to her daughter "you can go down and talk to her in 20 minutes. Afterwards I will be executing her myself," Alice stormed out the room slamming the door behind her.
Let's hope the question Liliana is dying to get answered is worth upsetting all her loved ones.


Liliana slowly made her way down the dungeon stairs. Towards Graces cell.
When she reached it, she saw Grace in the corner chained up.

"See your mother did the exact same thing to me as I did to your sister," huffed Grace shaking her head towards Liliana "heard your making people upset. Why do you want to talk to me child?"

"I need to know. Was being in love with my father the only reason you did this?"

"You know your a smart girl. No it was not the only reason,"

"Then what was?"

"When I was 16 years old, I became pregnant,"

Liliana sat down against the other cell and looked at Grace. Shocked.

"And I went to your mother for help. She instead told my parents and they took me away to some facility where they tell you what you did was wrong. This facility was in the middle of the woods and the people there were very unkind. They took my baby boy away from me when he was born,"

"Why would my mother do that?"

"As I said before. Your mother is the root of all evil,"

"Who was the father,"

"No one you know. My boyfriend at the time. He was a towns man so because I was a princess and he wasn't royalty. The relationship was considered inappropriate,"

"LILIANA ITS TIME," called out a guard from above the dungeon door

"Well girl, it's been a nice run," sighed Grace

"What happened to you was awful," said Liliana as she got up from the cell wall "but that doesn't excuse what you did to Sam. What you did to Diana. What you did to my family and what you did to me,"

"I know it doesn't, but it's a reason why I did,"

"LILIANA NOW," called the guard

"Just ask your mom about a girl named Ella,"

Liliana left feeling confused about everything.
Her mother seemed to be an awful person but who was Ella?

818 words

This chapter is a little bit shorter then the others
But it had to end here so the next one started correctly
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