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(Short chapter)

Sam's POV from the weeks before Liliana woke up

"BUT WHAT IF SHE DOESN'T WAKE UP!! I NEVER GOT TO TELL HER I LOVE HER" cried Sam while standing outside the nurses office


"Why would she jump in front of a dagger for me?"

"I don't know Sam but you have to have faith in her. She wouldn't of done it without a reason,"

"My dad tried to throw a dagger at me. My own father. And the girl I love was almost killed because of him,"

"I know Sam, but the best thing right now is that you are there for her,"


*Knock knock*

"Go away," yelled Sam from his bed

"Sam you asked to speak to your father. I am allowing ten minutes," spoke Henry from outside

Sam got up and opened the door

"It's now or never Sam,"

Sam nodded and followed Henry to the dungeon


"Hello son," murmured Archer from the corner of the cell

"Hi Archer," said Sam bitterly

"Oh not even going to say dad?"

"Why did you throw that dagger at me?"

"Straight to the point hmm? Well it wasn't suppose to be me. Hazel was meant too,"

"Because you threatened her,"

Archer laughed at his son

"Why. Did. You. Throw. The. Dagger," asked Sam

Archer sighed before answering his son "because I wanted Liliana to feel what it is like losing someone you love. I only knew she loved you because I heard her say it that day in the medical room,"

"She already knows what it is like to lose someone she loves. She lost her dad. She lost her freedom. She lost being able to experience being sixteen because she turns seventeen in 2 months. Because of you, I lost my mother. Because of you, I had to spend my seventeenth birthday in the hospital. Liliana not only lost her dad but I lost mine. I don't see you as my father any longer. I am disgusted, revolted, that I am related to a man like you. I resent you for killing mom. I resent you for hurting my kingdom. I resent you for trying to kill me and I resent you for hurting Liliana. I am thrilled that the people of this kingdom were able to have their king executed,"


"I might not have the heart to watch you die but I can't wait to not have you here in my life or in this kingdom,"

Later that day, Archer was executed.
Later that week, Sam hadn't spoken to any one. The only time he left his room was for food and to check up on Liliana.

456 words

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