Witch of a step mother

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Sam Middleton is a very outgoing person. He got this from his mother Diana. His mother was a beautiful and courageous woman. Everything she did was so elegant and powerful. She brought the kingdom happiness and love. So, when his father decided to marry a woman like his new step mother, you could say he was more then surprised.
His mother died in a fire. She was in the village helping the people who loved her dearly. When one of the spokesmen knocked down a candle leaving the place to burn with his mother inside.
He remembers when he heard the news, it was like it was yesterday when in reality it was 3 years ago.

He was sitting in his room getting ready to go to brunch with his father when one of the staff brought him the horrible news. He remembered the pain and the days after that. He remembers her funeral where his father met Lady Grace. The Darling family and the Middleton family were already pretty close but with this tragedy the two families grew closer. Everyone besides Liliana and Sam. They both decided they hated each other on day one. Sam can actually record the moment that the two agreed to dislike each other.

They were playing tag with all the royals kids. Of course the two of them being 10 they were extremely dramatic and petty.

The girls were on one team and the boys were on another.
It was Sam and Liliana left to be tag. They are both extremely competitive.

"Liliana you aren't winning,"

"Suck it Middleton," snickered Liliana running past Sam. Unfortunately running passed him he accidentally tripped her causing her to fall over. She fell in the mud flat on her face just centimetres from the finish line.
Liliana can remember everyone laughing.

"Oh my bad I didn't mean to do it on purpose,"  laughed Sam putting out a hand for her to grab

"Shove off," cried Liliana with tears in her eyes as she ran off and Abbey follows her

She hated him from that and Sam hated her for snitching. Well technically it was not her and it was Abbey but can you blame him he was 10 and in raged.

Disregarding this when his father married Grace, Sam was against it, in every way, shape or form. He hated the idea of his father marrying another women; let alone 6 months after his mom died. 2 weeks into bringing Grace into the family she already started
changing everything.

She believed that activities such as archery, horse riding, sword fighting, hikes, basically anything fun we're not royal like. Queen Grace even persuaded other kingdoms to band these activities as well. She allowed the men on the force to fight but not anyone else. Including Sam. Sam quickly became her little puppet. Grace banned him from interacting with the public as they were considered "filth" in her eyes. He wasn't allowed out of the castle walls no matter what, unless it was to attend a royal event. Sam grew tired of it and soon found ways to sneak out of the palace to see his friends. God knows what would happen if he were caught. He was able to get out with a bit of the staffs help as majority of them disliked Queen Grace as well.

Surprisingly his father was oblivious to the fact his new wife was creating hell for the kingdom of Josè. His father was a honourable man but not when it comes to his family, well in reality his own son. Not these days anyway.

Meanwhile in the Middleton Kingdom three days after the Darlings received the threat.

"SAM," Queen Grace yelled while banging on his bedroom door "SAM OPEN THIS DOOR,"

Sam scoffed as he approached the locked door to unlock it.

"What took you so long," Grace said with her arms crossed

"I was getting changed," he told her while sitting on his bed

"For what,"

"The day,"

"Do you have somewhere to be,"

"As Prince I think I can get ready when I feel like it okay," he added staring at the ceiling  "what is it you wanted anyway,"

"Your father wishes to speak to you,"

"Ok? Couldn't he come in here himself?"

"Just go now Sam, before I-,"

"Before you what?" Sam said unconvinced Grace could do more harm then she had already done. Before he let Grace say another word he left to his fathers office.


"Yes Father,"

"Sam, I have some news to share on the Darling family," said King Archer with his hands on the desk "please sit,"

"Ok?" Sam said as he sat down

"You remember their daughter Bethanne?"


"She is missing," Archer looking at the floor sorrowfully "I received the letter this yesterday morning,"


Sam didn't know what to say. Him and Bethanne got along better then him and Liliana did. Wait... Liliana. She lost her sister. Sure Sam didn't like her but he couldn't help but feel awful as he knew what it was like losing someone you love.

"Are they okay?" asked Sam shifting in his seat

"No, I am afraid that they are suffering many losses," spoke Archer as he looked at his son "their other daughter Liliana has been getting letters about marriage from a man named James since her ball,"

Sam looked at his father in disbelief "are we going over to their kingdom and checking up on them," said Sam. Sam particularly wanted to check up on Liliana and see if she is alright.

"No, I am afraid that we can't,"


"Well Grace is holding an event tomorrow night and we must attend,"

"So we are attending a ball rather then checking up on your best friends family, wait no not just your best friends family but mothers as well," Sam took a breath before continuing "they just lost a daughter dad,"

"Sam I understand but your mother,"

"GRACE IS NOT MY MOTHER," Sam got up and stormed out of the room passing Grace on the way who grabbed him by his arm.

"You will go to your room and you will stay there,"

Sam just pulled his arm away and left.

He knew he wasn't going to stay for another moment in that palace.

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