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Liliana was dragged in this extremely high tower with loads and loads of stairs. At the top there was just a room. With a bed in the corner, a mirror near the window and a few cupboards filled with random stuff. The second she entered the second she was planning her escape.

"I'm so sorry princess but this is what must happen," said Billy while the guards shoved the girl into the room and left.

"Then why do it if you are sorry?"

Billy looked at the girl with sorrow and guilt in his eyes and closed the door leaving the princess alone in there.

The minute he closed it is when Liliana ran up and tried to see if he was dumb enough to leave it unlocked. Short answer is he wasn't.
There was no point in panicking. Lily had the whole ride here to do that.
She knew here sister was alive. She knows Sam is some what safe. As well as her friends. She just needed a way out.
What better way to come up with a plan then to look in the cupboards.
First cupboard just had cups, food and toilet paper. Which was weird since there was no toilet.
The second cupboard had linen and linen. Just lots of linen. Third one had clothes that were all different sizes.
The last one was empty.
It was hopeless honestly. How the hell is she meant to make it out of this one.
She looked in the mirror and saw how dirty her dress was that Hazel let her borrow. So she changed into one of the dresses that fitted her.
Then she looked out the window and god the drop was long.

"Wait," Liliana gasped when she thought of a brilliant idea. She took out all the linen and tied it all together. Plus some of the clothes and the bed sheets. It wasn't long enough to reach the bottom of the tower but was long enough that she would make it more then half way down.
When she finished tying all of the pieces together she tied it on to a pillar that was in the middle of the room.
She made it to the window and dropped it.

"Ok here goes nothing,"

God how she hated heights. The second she was to go down was when Billy walked into the room.

"Hey HEY!" he shouted charging towards her "DONT YOU DO IT!"

She smirked at him and then jumped. Holding on to the rope she just created. She looked up to see Billy staring down at her and then starting to pull up the rope.

"For fuck sakes," When she made it to the bottom of where the rope was she realised the rope was not as long as she thought but the longer she waited the shorter the rope was getting. She then turned to her left and saw a horse with a sword on its back and a bow an arrow on the other. She then turned to her right and saw the two man who dragged her here staring at her.

"Fuck it," she said and then let go of the rope. She winced at the throbbing pain on her side but she had to keep pushing through. She looked up and saw that Billy was no longer there. She looked forward and the guards were not even 7 feet apart with the swords at the ready.

"Hi," she said sheepishly

"Obey and get back in there," huffed one of the guards

Liliana was gonna make a run but looked behind her and saw Billy.

"Ok ok sorry," she sighed

She was walking up to them with her hands up but before the guards could take her she elbowed one of them in the stomach and kicked the other right where it hurts. Both fell to the ground.


Liliana turned to the man while she grabbed one of the swords off the ground.

"Really? Just a girl?" she smirked at him and knocked him out with the back of the sword.
Liliana then made a run to the horse, dropping said sword on the ground. The second she was on the second she headed to save Sam's kingdom and her sister.

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