Chapter One - Lights Out

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The time was currently three in the morning. At the Sumeru Akademiya, Kaveh and Alhaitham Haravatat were still awake. Alhaitham had been tossing and turning, attempting to sleep, but was unable to since Kaveh was keeping the light on.

Alhaitham sighed,"Kaveh, go to sleep." Kaveh huffed and protested,"I have things I need to work on!" Alhaitham was extremely irritated at this point,"What is so important that you need to be working on it at three in the morning!?" "Very important things!"

Kaveh threw a pencil at Haitham's face. He groaned, trying to keep his cool," Turn off the light at least. With how much you stay awake at night I wouldn't be surprised if you're nocturnal!" Kaveh was quick to respond,"Oh shut up! And a little light won't hurt you, just turn around and sleep."

"Don't you think I haven't tried that?? I cannot possibly sleep if the light's on, my eyes are sensitive," Alhaitham looked to the wall. Kaveh had dropped what he was doing at this point, and was completely focused on the disagreement with Alhaitham.

"Oh boo hoo, get a sleeping mask," Kaveh rolled his eyes. "I find those childish," The only reason that Alhaitham said this was because Kaveh wore one. "Hmph, no wonder you have eye bags," Kaveh scoffed then turned back to his work. "It wouldn't be an issue if somebody wasn't keeping me up by being obnoxious with his work every night," Alhaitham sat up on his bed instead of laying down.

"I beg your pardon?" Kaveh scoffed, not looking back at Alhaitham. "You're flapping the papers around so loudly I can't even hear myself think!" "Well then go get some ear plugs or something!"

"You already knew I have my soundproof earpieces, I'd rather not wear them while I attempt to sleep," Haitham retorted. Kaveh continued moving stuff around and messing with his papers, this time intentionally making it louder just to annoy Alhaitham.

After a few minutes, Haitham walked right up to Kaveh's desk and snatched his papers to see whatever it is that's so important,"What're you even doing anyways?"

"I'm just... working on a project, give it back!" He reached for the papers but Alhaitham held them in the air so he couldn't reach. "Say please," It was obvious at this point that Alhaitham was teasing Kaveh for the sake of it. "Please!" Kaveh's face was starting to get red from being upset. "Say it sincerely," Alhaitham's voice was calm, but it was obvious to Kaveh that he was just messing with him. Kaveh sighed,"Please..." "Alright. But will you please get some sleep? You don't have to do all of it now, right?" Alhaitham said, with an undertone of actually being concerned for his roommate. "... I was going to work until I get halfway," Kaveh was obviously really tired, but for some reason just couldn't pull away from his work.

"Well if you haven't reached halfway then you're awfully slow, do you need help?" Alhaitham said, attempting to be helpful for god knows what reason. Kaveh just side-eyed him, then turned back to his work. Alhaitham scoffed,"Very well then." He then went and sat on his bed. He pulled out a book, occasionally looking up to see Kaveh's current progress.

"Any chance you're almost done?" Alhaitham yawned. It'd been half an hour, and at this rate the amount of sleep he'd be getting is only three hours. "Mhm..." At this point Kaveh looked like he was about to faint. "Great," Alhaitham set his book down on his nightstand, rolled over, and went to sleep effortlessly. Could he have done that the whole time!?

Kaveh huffed at the fact he was getting harassed for no real reason. But despite him being upset at that, he worked a bit quieter so as to not disturb his roommate. Kaveh continued to work all night long, despite what he told Alhaitham.

Two hours later, Alhaitham had stirred awake. He looked around a bit, only to notice Kaveh still working away at his desk. "Did you not sleep at all?" He asked. Kaveh just simply shook his head. "What is wrong with you...? You must be a workaholic or something," He scoffed, then got out of bed to get ready. "Mhm... now get me a cup of coffee, would you?" Kaveh said sleepily.

"No! I will not, I'm not your maid," Alhaitham rolled his eyes then started heading into the kitchen. "I'm just asking you to do something small for me! You'll be making breakfast anyways," Kaveh's voice raised as Alhaitham got further and further away.

He stopped walking and his eye twitched, "Fine. I'll do it, but you need to sleep tonight." "Okay!" Kaveh turned around, and continued doing whatever he was doing.

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