Chapter Fifteen - Quality Time... Supposedly

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A few hours later, Kaveh realized he had fallen asleep on Alhaitham's shoulder. When he awoke, he noticed Alhaitham was looking through a book. It didn't look like a novel though, so Kaveh was curious. "What's that?" His voice was all hoarse from all the crying he did earlier. Alhaitham cleared his throat before answering," A list of things I want to do before I die."

"Oh... When did you make this?" Kaveh asked. He noticed a lot of the things weren't crossed out yet. "I started it... five, six years ago?" Alhaitham responded, not exactly sure of the time. "So you were... 21?" Kaveh asked, and Alhaitham nodded.

"Mind if I look through it...?" Kaveh asked somberly, still not getting over the revelation from earlier. "Sure, go ahead," Alhaitham nodded.

Kaveh took a moment, looking through the pages, all of these seemed normal to him so far. Get married, have kids... He never expected Alhaitham to be a family man, who knew?

"Get drawn... nude...?" Kaveh stared at the words for a moment, not knowing what he just read. "Ah... I don't know why I wrote that. It was... a while ago. 22 was a very... odd age for me," Alhaitham shied away a bit. Kaveh shook his head," It's fine. ... Want to try to complete this list together? I know it's not the best thing to do with our time, but." Kaveh smiled sympathetically, trying to forgive himself for yelling at Alhaitham earlier.

Alhaitham slowly nodded," Sure." Kaveh got up off the bed and walked away while saying," Sit up and strip." "Kaveh...? I'm not sure that's appropriate..." Alhaitham did sit up, but he didn't touch his clothes. Kaveh then walked back with some paper and a pencil,"We don't have to do it nude if you're uncomfortable, I would like to draw you though!"

Kaveh wanted something to remember him. There weren't many pictures of him and Alhaitham together, and he didn't own very many pictures of just Alhaitham either, so when Alhaitham... ah no no, no need to get into that.

Alhaitham shook his head," It's fine, I'll do it." "You sure?" Kaveh asked, and Alhaitham nodded his head. He started taking his clothes off, starting with his shirt, socks, pants, then stopping when he reached down for the waistband of his boxers. With every movement Alhaitham made, Kaveh felt his face getting redder.

Alhaitham then moved to take off his boxers completely, fully revealing himself. While doing so, he couldn't bring himself to look at Kaveh. Was it out of embarrassment? Shame? Whatever it was, it didn't matter because you only live once after all.

"Relax a bit..." Kaveh muttered just loud enough that Alhaitham could hear it. Alhaitham rolled his shoulders back a bit then took a deep breath, before draping himself over the bed, still facing Kaveh. He was still red, and very tense, but not nearly as much as before. "I said relax, didn't I...?" Kaveh didn't want to be indecent, but he had to look if he were to draw him," I can't draw you properly if you're all tensed up."

"Kav, I can't, you're looking at me..." Alhaitham blushed more, but he still did as Kaveh instructed, and relaxed all the way. "Good... you have nice pecs," Kaveh smiled, trying to lighten the mood. "Kaveh! You can't say that!" Alhaitham rolled his eyes and smiled a bit. Kaveh just laughs," Well, I just did. And if I didn't say it, you knew I was thinking it."

"Mhm, I suppose so..."

An hour or two had passed, and Alhaitham's arms were getting a bit sore from posing for so long. "Do you like it?" Kaveh walked over to him, Alhaitham hadn't even realized that Kaveh was done, so he sat up on the bed. "Oh wow... this looks great Kaveh," Alhaitham smiled, looking it over. "Thank you! You'll have to thank yourself for being such a great muse, though," Kaveh smiled at him, desperately trying to not look away from his face at all.

"... also, it isn't that big," Kaveh just giggled as soon as Alhaitham said that. Alhaitham just rolled his eyes, before getting up to put his clothes back on.

Kaveh mentally punched himself for having lewd thoughts during that. 

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