Chapter Three - News

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Alhaitham just walked away into the bathroom to wash his face, and Kaveh followed suit. After they finished washing the lipstick off Alhaitham just sighed,"Come on, you're significantly late for class Kaveh." "Are you not going to class? Are you too 'good enough' for that?" Kaveh scoffed. "No, I just have a doctor's appointment soon," Alhaitham paused for a second,"... you should stay here, maybe you shouldn't go to classes today. You obviously didn't sleep at all last night." " What!? I'm fine!" Alhaitham turned to look at Kaveh, his eye bags were awful, his hair was a mess, and he was almost deliriously tired.

Alhaitham raised an eyebrow,"No, you're staying here, I'll stay with you if that's what it takes." "No!" Kaveh snapped,"I need to get to my classes, I don't want to fail..." "It's just one day, Kaveh," Alhaitham frowned slightly. Kaveh thought for a moment, then sighed,"Fine..."

"Now, I need to be getting to my doctor's appointment, I'll be back in two hours or so," Alhaitham said, grabbing his keys. On the way over to the door, he accidentally bumped the coffee cup that was sitting on the edge of the desk. The remaining liquid had spilled all over Kaveh's mattress. "Haitham!" Kaveh shouted,"My bed..." "I'll attempt to clean it later, I'm tired because someone kept me up all night,"Alhaitham turned his attention away from Kaveh.

He walked up to him and started to complain,"I can't sleep in a bed that's soaked in coffee!"

"Sleep on the couch."

"That's gonna hurt my back!"
"Then sleep on the floor."

"I can't do that, you absolute dumbass!"
"Fine, then sleep in my bed for now. I'm not in it right now so it won't be much of a problem," Then, Alhaitham muttered under his breath,"Even though I don't want my bed smelling like you." "Hm..." Kaveh thought about it for a moment, then went over to sit on Alhaitham's bed," Okay!" Alhaitham took a sigh of relief, then turned back to go out the door.

"I'll be back in an hour, Kaveh," With that, Alhaitham left. Kaveh waved goodbye and got some long overdue sleep.

As Alhaitham waited in the waiting room, he kept checking his watch. "It's already ten after..." Just as he muttered this to himself, a woman stepped out of the door ahead of him. "Dr. Baizhu is ready to see you now, Mr. Haravatat." Alhaitham nodded, and followed the young lady down the hallway to a room.

"Ah, Alhaitham. Wonderful to see you again," The green haired man said. Alhaitham swiftly nodded and said,"You as well. ... If I may inquire, how did the testing from last week go?" "Well, that is why you're here, is it not...?" Dr. Baizhu's face grew eerily grim.

For months, Alhaitham had been getting regular nose bleeds and feeling nauseous. But he simply thought nothing of it, until he noticed that the amount he was able to lift was decreasing. He went in to the doctor last week to check if it was something, but the doctor had to run some tests. Alhaitham was told that at best it was simply a very nasty long cold, but he knew there was no way in hell that was the case. He tried consoling himself, but Alhaitham had a tendency to overthink.

The expression on Dr. Baizhu's face when he began to answer Alhaitham made him anxious. "Alhaitham. The news you're about to receive is life changing. Would you like me to tell you now? Or do you need a few minutes?"

"Tell me now, please."
"Very well then. Please sit down."

Wait For Me - Kaveh x Alhaitham (Modern College AU)Where stories live. Discover now