Chapter Seven - Hand Holding

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Once Alhaitham woke up, he immediately told Kaveh to get dressed to go out. "Why!?" He snapped back. "To buy that lipstick I owe you. You need to come so that you can pick out the shade you want," At those words, Kaveh's whole demeanor changed and he jumped up out of his chair. "Really!?" Alhaitham nodded.

Kaveh walked into the bathroom to get ready, meanwhile Alhaitham continued reading his book. Nerd. "Alhaitham!" Kaveh called from the bathroom. "Yes?" He walked over to the doorway. "Do these pants make my butt look big?" Kaveh asked, sounding... rather sincere, for the stupidity of the question,"They're a little tight."

"I don't know?" Alhaitham doesn't look out of basic human decency, obviously. He also does not want to be caught looking at his roommate's ass. "So then check!" Kaveh turned around, so of course, Alhaitham couldn't help but look. "How would I know if it looks bigger than normal? And why does it matter so much?"

"Does it look big or not!?" Alhaitham sighed,"Don't yell. And sure, it looks big." "I knew I should've worn another pair of pants!" Kaveh complained. "Just change, or wear a jacket that covers it," Alhaitham offered solutions.

"I don't own a jacket," Kaveh rolled his eyes. "That's... weird. Here," Alhaitham took off the jacket he was wearing, and threw it at Kaveh," Tie it around your waist."

Alhaitham was wearing one of those dumb black sleeveless turtlenecks under it. Kaveh took Alhaitham as many things, but he never in a million years would've imagined him wearing revealing clothing.

Kaveh wrapped it around his waist then sighed," We should get going now."

They walked down and out of the dorm complex, and it was hard not to lose each other in the busy streets. "Kaveh, come on, walk faster," Alhaitham called back at him. "It's not my fault you walk so fast!" He then mumbled," Long legs..." Kaveh was staring at Alhaitham's neck. His back was so well toned and... What was he thinking!? Of course he has muscles, he works out a lot, and it's nothing special. But Kaveh just couldn't help but stare.

At one point during their walk, it got so busy that Alhaitham had to walk a bit more slowly so he could grab Kaveh's wrist. "Hey! What's this for!?" Kaveh yelled in protest, Alhaitham was grabbing onto his wrists quite tightly. "So I don't lose you," He calmly explained. "Okay, well no need to be so harsh!" Kaveh scoffed," Here, just..." He twisted his hand so that Alhaitham's hand slipped from his wrist, and instead was holding his hand.

The chocolates and now this? Just what was Kaveh getting himself into? 

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