Chapter Six - Wonder

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Kaveh was sitting at his desk when Alhaitham awoke, staring out the window. His hands were clasped together as he was still holding the box of chocolate. His head turns slowly as he hears Alhaitham's bed creak and his eyes scan the room. Upon locking eyes with his roommate, he smiles warmly.

"Good morning! How did you sleep?" He seems friendly, but clearly he is trying to ignore the obvious question of... 'why did you give me those chocolates the day before Valentine's!?'

He raises his hand to his eyes, blocking the sun as it was shining into his eyes and his expression becomes one of genuine curiosity.

"What are you up to today?"

Alhaitham groaned and rubbed his eyes, taking a few moments before answering Kaveh's question. "Nothing. I wasn't planning on going out. The streets will be stuffed with couples, respectively. I'd rather not be caught in a crowd," He calmly explained.

Alhaitham nodded towards the chocolates," I trust you enjoyed those?" Kaveh's eyes brighten up as you ask him. "Those chocolates were divine," He said softly. "How did you know these are my favorites?" He chuckles as he holds the box in the air. He smiles a little. He still seems to believe that Alhaitham had some sort of ulterior motive in giving them to him.

"Well, I remember you mentioning it a few years back, I saw them on sale at the store yesterday, so I grabbed them," Alhaitham shrugged.

Kaveh seems a bit suspicious at hearing the word 'a few years back.' "Why have you kept that information all this time?" Kaveh looked at him inquisitively "I mean, why remember it for this long?"

He raised his eyebrows at Alhaitham, clearly very suspicious of his intentions. Kaveh leaned back in his chair and looked at Alhaitham curiously as he waited for his answer.

"No clue, if I'm being completely honest," Alhaitham shrugged, then rolled back over on his bed as if to head back to sleep.

"Really? You had no clue?" Kaveh said, his eyebrows narrowing suspiciously at Alhaitham. He seems like he's trying very hard to hold back and not ask what he's thinking. "Mhm..." Alhaitham already sounded like he was drifting off to sleep, so Kaveh decided to not bother him any longer.

The next couple of hours he is surprisingly silent. The only sound that comes from Kaveh's desk is the occasional sound of pages flipping.

"Why would Alhaitham give me those, if not as a romantic gesture...?" Kaveh sighed, and set his head down on his desk. 

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