Chapter Fourteen - Pills

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A few days later, Alhaitham had to leave for a doctor's appointment. Again. Kaveh was miserable, desperately trying to figure out what was happening. He decided to investigate a bit while Alhaitham was gone. He went to the original place he saw him place that pill bottle, but it was gone, so Kaveh went to go check the medicine cabinet.

He rummaged through all of the other medicines and such in there, and finally found the unknown one that was prescribed to Alhaitham. "Cytarabine...? What's this...?" He pulled out his phone to look it up, when Dog came up and started rubbing her head up against Kaveh's leg and meowing at him. Kaveh and Alhaitham managed to get stuff for her, food, toys, and a little bed, so everything was going good!
Kaveh was a bit scared to look up what the prescription was. There was this gut feeling he had that was making him uneasy.

He opened up the first link, and read in horror.

"Kaveh? I'm home!" Kaveh heard Alhaitham set his keys down on the counter, but still, he couldn't move. "Kaveh?" He heard footsteps. Kaveh still had both his phone and the medicine bottle in hand, he still just couldn't move. When Alhaitham turned round the corner, his face dropped as he saw Kaveh. When Kaveh saw Alhaitham's face, it's like all the feelings he should've been feeling before, finally happened.

He burst into tears. "Why didn't you tell me!? How long has this been going on!?" He dropped the bottle and his phone. Dog ran away and jumped onto one of the beds. "I'm sorry."

"You have leukemia, didn't tell me, and all you say is 'I'm sorry'!? Alhaitham..." Kaveh ran up to Alhaitham and gave him a hug, digging his tear-filled face into Alhaitham's chest. Alhaitham softly wrapped his arms around Kaveh, then started stroking his hair.

Kaveh tried to say something, but he couldn't find the words, so he just cried and cried into Alhaitham's chest.

"You're dying," Kaveh said after his crying stopped enough so that he could actually get some words out.

"I am, yes," Alhaitham said. The oddest thing was that he said it without remorse or grief. "Haitham... dearest... do you not care!? You always act as though you haven't a care in the world! I would expect something like this to be different, but you apparently don't seem to care at all that you are going to be leaving me!" Kaveh had that outburst, then went back into another crying fit.

"Could we watch a movie or something..." Kaveh wiped his face, to rid himself of all the tears after a full 15 minutes of constant wailing. "Sure," Alhaitham's voice was gentle, as not to trigger another round of crying.

So the two laid down on Alhaitham's bed, snuggling up against each other. The laptop was set on both of their laps, and they were sharing some wired earbuds. At one point during the movie, Dog came up to them and curled up next to Kaveh. A few minutes later, Alhaitham could feel his boyfriend silently sobbing into his shoulder.

"Please don't leave me Haitham, please..."
"I'm sorry."

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