Chapter Five - Soft

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When Alhaitham got back it was already almost dark out, Kaveh was angrily pacing the room. "Where were you!?" He yelled. "Relax, Kaveh. I was trying to buy that lipstick I owed you but I didn't know what color you wanted it. I also had many errands to run," Alhaitham said calmly. "...what?" Kaveh looked shocked, then shook his head, "You worried me sick!" Alhaitham approached him a bit, and smelt a strong odor coming from Kaveh. That's when he noticed the glass in the blonde's hand.

"Kaveh... are you drunk again?" Alhaitham sighed at the sight of his roommate.

"Alhaitham. I know wine's bad for me, and you know it too. It goes against your principles, and you know my opinion on principles... Don't judge me, you hypocrite," Kaveh shook his head, his eyes looking back down into his glass," I saw you drinking a bit last night! You're a complex man..."

"I'd be predictable if I were not complex, dear Kaveh," Alhaitham scoffed.

"Then I'll just never be able to understand you, Alhaitham. Not in a million years..." Kaveh says, looking directly at his roommate and not breaking his gaze as he downs the rest of his glass of wine in one gulp. The look he has in his eyes is nothing less than determined. "But I think I can work with that," He put his back against the wall, "Give me a million years."

"Oh? Alright then. If you have any questions I will answer to the best of my ability," Alhaitham responded, trying to give Kaveh any help in his quest to understand him better. Kaveh's face softens and he smiles.

"I don't really have any questions for you, Alhaitham. It's quite simple, actually. I just need time to work out who you are... You know, get a sense of your personality. You're a little bit of a puzzle, and I like to think I'm pretty good at solving puzzles." He says with a smirk, "So, that's all I need from you. Just some time... and some wine..."

Alhaitham held back a smile as well. He rarely smiled, certainly not in front of Kaveh. "Don't act like I don't see that smile, Alhaitham." He teases him. "Don't hold it back, you look good when you smile."

He shakes his head and looks away. "You are a handful, Alhaitham. You know that? A handful..."

"Mhm... sure, Kaveh."

Kaveh sighed then laid on his bed before turning off the light. "I got you something while I was out. I heard you mentioning liking this type of chocolate," Alhaitham tossed a heart shaped box of chocolate onto Kaveh.

"Ow... Wait, what!? Why'd you get me this!?" Kaveh pauses for a few seconds after that, then seemingly starts gradually turning red. He sighed before speaking again,"I'll enjoy these, thank you."

"It's a coincidence it's themed like that. I simply remember you saying you liked the brand. ... Good night," Alhaitham rolled over on his bed and turned off his light as well.

"Of course... coincidence..." He mutters to himself. "Don't be ridiculous..." Kaveh says to himself, still trying to convince himself that it was all a coincidence. But he doesn't seem to be listening. "Good night..." He muttered under his breath. He didn't let go of the box however, he just held it close, and smiled.

"How adorable..."


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