Chapter Twelve - Rushed

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"I like you," Kaveh sighed. "Just like? Hm..." Alhaitham was being difficult on purpose. "I like you in a way that's..." Kaveh was entirely red.

"Ah I see... you like me in a more than friend way? A best friend way," Would Alhaitham ever stop this pointlessly aggravating teasing!? "Haitham!!" Kaveh groaned.

"Hm? What?" Alhaitham held back a smile. Kaveh took a deep deep breath.

Then just, kissed him.

Alhaitham was speechless,he took his hand away from his face, he didn't expect Kaveh to do anything as bold as that! He blushed more than he ever had before, this was a lot to take in.

Sure, he was in love with Kaveh, that was apparent but... even though he was sure Kaveh felt the same way, Alhaitham didn't want to accept it as a possibility.

"You... could've told me you were doing that first," Those were the only words he managed to get out. "Well you weren't getting my point!" Kaveh crossed his arms.

Alhaitham didn't know how to respond to that.

"Fine then! Maybe I should give you another one!" Alhaitham didn't refuse it, but when Kaveh leaned in for another one, Alhaitham pulled him closer and planted kisses everywhere all over his face

Now it was Kaveh's turn to blush,"Haitham!" Alhaitham smiled, before saying,"Just tell me you love me. Not what the 'like' stuff is."

Kaveh took a deep breathe,"I love you Alhaitham..." "I love you too."

The two took a moment staring into each other's eyes before Alhaitham spoke up again,"I've known you've felt that way about me for a while, even if you didn't realize it yourself." "It was that obvious...?" Kaveh winced.

"Painfully obvious," Alhaitham rolled his eyes playfully. Kaveh was mumbling about something, he went from where he was standing next to Alhaitham back to his chair. "If you knew then why didn't you tell me!? Especially if you liked me back!" Kaveh huffed,"We could've been cuddling and kissing sooner..."

Alhaitham smiled a bit,"Kaveh we've cuddled before multiple times. And when you thought I was asleep I know you've kissed my forehead. Plus, you know how busy we both are, I don't have time for a..." Alhaitham paused his words, his face grew somber for a moment," Never mind. It's fine, I do have time for a relationship now, but do you?

Kaveh slowly nodded," We don't have to rush into it if you aren't ready yet!"

Alhaitham looked at him, with a hint of panic in his eyes? What has been going on with him lately? "No... I want to rush into it. Unless you don't want to be in a relationship at all."

"I want to though!" Kaveh exclaimed. Ever since Alhaitham mentioned having enough time for a relationship, he was looking a bit down. "What's wrong?" Kaveh frowned, obviously upset for his... roommate? Lover? Who even knew at this point. But for all Kaveh knew, he was about to enter something bigger than him. A situation much much more grim than he previously thought.

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