Chapter Eight - Pretty Boy

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"Alright, we're here," Alhaitham said, they were standing in front of a giant cosmetics store. "It's been a while since I've come here!" Kaveh smiled at him, not realizing the two were still holding hands. Alhaitham looked around, most of this stuff was foreign to him. Kaveh grabbed a basket, finally unlocking hands with Alhaitham, and he started looking around for new lipstick. "I don't mind if you get a few more things, too," Alhaitham sighs, following around Kaveh.

"Really? Thanks!" He then just started chucking things into the basket. After a few minutes of silence, Alhaitham finally speaks up,"I don't get why you even need makeup." Kaveh turned around to walk backwards to speak to him,"Well I look pretty with it on, don't I?" Alhaitham's voice gets a bit quiet,"You look pretty without it, too. I don't think it changes much, so I don't get it."

Kaveh took a moment of having a meltdown in his brain of... 'Did Alhaitham just flirt with me!?' Before pretending to ignore the comment entirely. He just slightly blushed, then turned back around.

A few more minutes later, Kaveh was just standing around trying to decide what to get next, with Alhaitham standing behind him like a shadow. "Come on, either get more stuff or let's go pay," Alhaitham said. "Just a few more things then we can pay!" He smiled at Alhaitham. He groaned," Fine..." "Well technically, we aren't paying, you are," Kaveh said as he put a few more things into a basket. "Haha, very funny, hurry up!"

Once Kaveh was done, they walked up to the checkout counter. As Kaveh's putting stuff on the counter, the cashier feels the need to say something..

"You're getting all of this for your girlfriend?" She said to Alhaitham, while looking at Kaveh," That's so sweet! My boyfriend could never do that..."

"Hm?" Alhaitham looked confused for a moment, but for some reason decided to play along with it," Ah yes, I am. She's very appreciative." He then ruffled Kaveh's hair, which earned an eye twitch and a scowl from Kaveh. "Don't mess up my hair, Haitham."

"Seems she's not so appreciative now, come now dear, you can fix it when we get home," Alhaitham was trying hard to hold back a small smile.

The cashier was oblivious to the real relationship, and genders, of Alhaitham and Kaveh, she just smiled and bagged up the items. "Have a nice day!" She handed the bags to Alhaitham. "Thank you, you two," He grabbed the bags, then immediately started speed walking out of the store.

"Haitham!!!" Kaveh yelled at him as soon as they got outside. "Hm? What's wrong?" Alhaitham couldn't hold back a sly smile now. "You called me your girlfriend, dumbass!" Kaveh starts smacking his arm. "Ow... What's wrong with that?" Alhaitham smiled a bit wider, it wasn't bad to tease your roommate every now and then. "All of it!" Kaveh continued hitting his arm.

"Another lie I told was that you were appreciative, hmph," Alhaitham scoffed then began walking off. "Oh archons..." Kaveh muttered under his breathe," Wait for me!" He then ran after Alhaitham.

"Do I need to put a leash on you or something so you don't fall behind?" Alhaitham said completely straight faced. If Kaveh wasn't flustered before, now he is. Perhaps he took that statement in a less... lighthearted way than intended. "What!? No!" He blushed. "Then keep up!" Alhaitham squinted his eyes at Kaveh, trying to find out why he was blushing. He didn't realize the double meaning of his statement...

Wait For Me - Kaveh x Alhaitham (Modern College AU)Where stories live. Discover now