Chapter Twenty Two - Prep

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Kaveh gasped loudly, taking a moment to process. "Oh my god... Yes, yes, yes, yes!" He couldn't be more overjoyed, of course this was unexpected and totally out of left field, but he was sure that Alhaitham would make an amazing husband!

Alhaitham just grinned softly," Thank goodness... I will admit I was a bit nervous." "Oh, darling, I don't think I'd ever say no," Kaveh smiled back. "I know, I just-... there are reasons why you might've said no," He sighed.

Kaveh hugged him, picking Alhaitham off his knees," Let's not dwell on what didn't happen, and focus on what did happen. I said yes, Hayi." Alhaitham nodded, and tightly grasped onto Kaveh, hugging him back.

After the two let go of each other, Alhaitham put the ring on Kaveh's head...? "Haitham??" Kaveh just laughed. "What? You weren't taking it," Alhaitham began defending his actions. "You're supposed to put it on my finger for me!" He smiled playfully.

"Oh!" Alhaitham then took the ring and placed it on Kaveh's right hand ring finger," Sorry, I'm a bit dizzy right now. I'm not thinking straight." "Well obviously you aren't thinking straight, you just proposed to me!" Alhaitham just sighed, trying to hide his small smile, shaking his head at Kaveh's dumb joke.

"Now then, if you aren't feeling well, perhaps we should head home?" Kaveh suggested, and Alhaitham nodded curtly. He held onto Alhaitham's arm, so that his fiancé wouldn't fall. They walked in silence for a bit. "I just wanted an excuse to get you a ring, Kav. I mean, of course I do want to marry you, it's just-... well you might be widowed soon and," Alhaitham sighed, pausing a moment, choosing his next words carefully," I'm sorry, I wont say that."


They walked in silence the rest of the way home, except for Kaveh asking the question: "If you really do believe you might leave me soon, then when should we plan for the wedding to happen...?" To that they discussed, and decided that they would be wed in two days time which was... not a lot. At all.

When they finally reached their dorm, they both cuddled on the couch, discussing preparations for their rushed wedding. "I'd like it to be a small wedding. Just invite our friends?" Alhaitham suggested, wanting Kaveh's input. "What about family members?"


"Oh. Right."

Alhaitham cleared his throat," Cyno, Tighnari, Dehya, Candace, Nilou? Do you have any other friends?" Kaveh thought for a moment," What about Professor Faruzan?" Alhaitham looked at him dumbfounded for a moment," You want to invite your professor?" Kaveh smiled and nodded. Alhaitham shrugged, who was he to say no? He didn't mind much anyways.

"Now then... I don't know the first thing about this," Alhaitham sighed. Kaveh knew he was frustrated because 'Alhaitham always needs to know everything.' "Well, we'd have to figure out catering, picking out a venue, buying suits, hey or a dress if you'd want to wear one," Kaveh explained, Alhaitham smiled," I think I'll decline that offer..." Kaveh laughed to himself," Suits it is then."

Alhaitham sighed, recounting all the things Kaveh said," I don't know how we'll do all of that in two days' time." Kaveh thought for a moment, then replied," Well we could pull an all-nighter, and if we don't have too many guests I can hand make the invitations."

The two spent a bit of time discussing a time, date, and place.

Kaveh was getting started on the invitations, and Alhaitham asked," What should I do?" "Sit there and look pretty," Kaveh smiled. Alhaitham attempted to hide the slight blush on his face," I don't want to make you do all of it."

Kaveh thought again, then responded," Don't worry about it." Alhaitham just sighed, knowing that arguing with Kaveh would be pointless, and he didn't want to upset him. Alhaitham laid down on his stomach, kicking his feet while Kaveh got to work on the invites.

Dog jumped up and laid down on Alhaitham's back, but he didn't seem to mind at all. Kaveh turned to look at him, then just laughed. "What?" Alhaitham raised an eyebrow. Kaveh smiled," You just look cute." "How so..?" Alhaitham held back a smile.

Kaveh jumped up from his desk and walked over to Alhaitham, and started squeezing his cheeks. "... Kaveh!" Alhaitham sighed, that smile he was holding back finally broke through, he then kissed Kaveh's forehead. Kaveh giggled, and Alhaitham sat up cross legged, picking up Dog and placing her on his lap. She protested a bit, meowing loudly at Alhaitham, but finally curled up and settled down in his lap after a bit.

"How're the invitations coming along?" Alhaitham inquired. "Not too bad if I say so myself, I actually just finished up," Kaveh picked up all of them and spread them across the bed in front of Alhaitham. "Not too bad? They look great," He remarked.

(Five minutes later)

Kaveh has been sketching for the past few minutes, Alhaitham didn't question what he was doing, but that doesn't mean he wasn't curious.

"Wouldn't it be interesting if we had suits like this..?" Kaveh showed Alhaitham his drawing. "Wow, yeah that'd be great," Alhaitham said. "I'm sure it'll take months to get custom suits made though," Kaveh said, about to scrap the idea altogether.

Alhaitham thought, then said," I know a guy, his husband is really good at sewing. He's really sweet, I'm sure he'd do it for us." Then, he pulled out his phone to message his friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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