Chapter Thirteen - Kitty

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"There's nothing wrong, Kaveh, I'm fine. You do still need to get to your classes though," Alhaitham said as a gentle reminder. "One more day won't hurt? Come on Haitham, I want to hang out with you today! After all, you did just confess your undying love for me," Kaveh grinned widely. "Correction, you were the one who confessed," Alhaitham seemed unimpressed.

Kaveh scoffed,"Oh whatever, come on! Let's go on a date!" Alhaitham sighed,"Alright... after my doctor's appointment." Kaveh looked a bit worried, he noticed that Alhaitham hadn't been attending his classes either, and he's been looking awfully pale lately. Just exactly what was going on!? Kaveh decided to shake it off, and just said," Alright! You go do that, and I'll wait here for you!"

A few hours later, Alhaitham returned with a pill bottle in hand. Kaveh was on his computer at his desk, on Sims 4 like he always was. Kaveh heard the door open then swerved around in his seat. "You're supposed to say, 'honey I'm home!'" He smiled at Alhaitham.

"Absolutely not," Alhaitham sighed. Kaveh smiled again then rolled his eyes,"So where are we going for that date?" He looked down at Alhaitham's hand containing the bottle and frowned a bit. Kaveh didn't want to bother him by asking about it, so he stayed quiet, but curiosity was gnawing at him.

"How about the shopping plaza? That big one you're always bothering me to go to," Kaveh's eyes lit up when Alhaitham said that. There was this one big place appropriately called the Sumeru Market, and he was dying to go there. He didn't want to go alone, so he always asked Alhaitham, but he always got declined.

"Yes!" He jumped up from his seat, ran up to Alhaitham, then gave him a hug. Alhaitham smiled a bit," Alright then, let's go." He swiftly left the pill bottle on his own desk, but Kaveh didn't get a chance to see the label on it.

"Woah..." Kaveh looked around, holding onto Alhaitham's hand. There were lights everywhere put up for the springtime, and the trees were blooming, it was beautiful!

"Where should we go first, Kav?" Alhaitham asked. Kaveh really really liked that nickname, it made his cheeks a bit red," How about the arcade?" "You know I'm bad at games, Kaveh," Alhaitham sighed. Kaveh pouted then rolled his eyes, he knew how stubborn Alhaitham could be at times.

"Haitham there's a pet store!" Before Alhaitham could complain, Kaveh was already dragging him by the rest into it. While Kaveh was busy looking at the gerbils, hamsters, and other rodents, Alhaitham was... having a staring competition with a spider?

"Oh my god, Alhaitham! Look, they have dogs and cats too! They look so sad in those cages..." Alhaitham turned away to look at what Kaveh was talking about. "No animal should be living in anything that small," Alhaitham shook his head, then walked over to where Kaveh is.

"If only there was a way that we could get them out of those cages..." Kaveh slowly turned to Alhaitham. So slowly you could hear a door creak. "Alhaitham, dear," He smiled softly. "The University has a rule about no pets in the dormitories, sorry," Alhaitham said blankly. It's not like he didn't want a pet, he just didn't want to cause a ruckus in the dorms. "Actually, they got rid of that rule like a month or two ago! Tighnari and Cyno have a pet snake!" Kaveh smiled.

Alhaitham sighed,"Then sure, why not." "Hmm... cat or dog? I don't know, they're all really cute, so you choose Haitham!" Kaveh held onto Alhaitham's upper arm, he totally forgot how muscular he was. "Alright, a cat, they're a bit calmer than dogs," Alhaitham said. He then walked over and looked at all the cats in cages, poor things...

"On second thought, maybe we shouldn't buy from this shop. We'd be giving them more money to be putting these animals in cages," Alhaitham explained. "Aw... Maybe we could donate some money for them to buy bigger ones, or to move them to a bigger location!" Kaveh suggested. Alhaitham shrugged,"Sure, now which cat do you want?"

"God Alhaitham, you know I'm indecisive," Kaveh complained. Alhaitham sighed then pointed at the first cat he saw,"How about this one." "Aww she's so cute!" The cat was a black and tan tortoiseshell, still fairly tiny as she's only one year old.

After the two adopted the cat, they headed right back to the dorms. "Worst part about impulsively buying animals is that we don't have anything prepared..." Kaveh sighed. "It's fine, we'll sort it out in a bit. Shouldn't you name your cat?" Alhaitham said blankly. "My cat? No, she's ours! Like if we had a daughter or something. What do you think we should name her?" "Dog" ".. I mean, okay!"

The small cat meowed up at them, and Kaveh smiled. "Welcome to the family, Dog!" "Family?" "Yes, we're married and she's our daughter." Alhaitham couldn't help but smile at the forcefulness Kaveh said that with," Sure then."

That night Alhaitham slept well despite his illness. He had a lover, no more classes, and now a cat companion. Kaveh also now has a friend, so he won't be alone when it happens. Everything had been going well in Alhaitham's life, except for that one small tiny detail.

Would it be so bad to die happy?


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