Chapter Nine - Anxiety

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Once they got home, Alhaitham immediately laid back down on his bed. Meanwhile, Kaveh was dumping all his new stuff out on the table and sorting through it. "Thank you Alhaitham, for everything you bought me! I really really appreciate it!" Alhaitham muttered mockingly while scrolling through his phone. Kaveh looked back at him and sighed,"Thank you, really."

"You're welcome. You owe me $400 now," Alhaitham said, not a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Kaveh looked at him absolutely shook," You can't be serious!" "You're right, I'm not, the conversation with the lady was enough payment... You had quite the furious look on your face," Alhaitham chuckled to himself.

Kaveh scoffed and rolled his eyes, then continued sorting through the things, drawing his attention away from Alhaitham. "Oh? Would you rather owe me the money?" He asked. Kaveh shook his head,"Nope! Now sit up, I'm making you try these on as payback for teasing me so much."

Alhaitham sighed," Fine, I suppose it's only fair." He set his phone down on the nightstand beside him, then sat up.

Kaveh walked over and put a face mask on him, and Alhaitham instantly recoiled. "Oh... it's cold and slimy, take it off," He was instantly regretting his decision. "Well it's going to do wonders for your skin, so suck it up!" Kaveh snapped back. "My skin's fine..." Alhaitham sighed. "Mhm mhm, sure. No girl's gonna want to kiss your cheek if it's not smooth!" Kaveh rolled his eyes.

Alhaitham muttered something that Kaveh couldn't hear.

Kaveh was messing around sorting through the stuff ,"Hm? What was that?"

"I didn't say anything."

"Yes you did!"

Alhaitham shook his head,"I didn't."
Kaveh sighed,"Haitham... stay still"

The two waited for a few minutes, before Kaveh peeled off the face mask. "Oh thank goodness, thought the torture would never end," Alhaitham said. Kaveh ignored the snarky comment," See! Your skin looks even better now!" Alhaitham shook his head then said,"I assure you it doesn't."

Kaveh just continued on ignoring Alhaitham's protests throughout the whole thing. From Alhaitham's view, he didn't hate it as much as he was letting on. If anything, he didn't mind it. The only thing on his mind was how anxious the close proximity with Kaveh made him. 

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