Chapter Twenty One - Giraffe

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Alhaitham awoke the next morning lying next to Kaveh. He woke up in a coughing fit, and rushed to the bathroom. He coughed out blood into the sink. "Alhaitham..?" He turned around and saw Kaveh standing behind him. "I'm fine, really, this has happened before," Alhaitham reassured him, and then he felt Kaveh hugging him, his arms around Alhaitham's waist.

"So, when are you returning to classes?" Alhaitham asked. "About a week or so... how about you? You said you're getting the treatment, right?" Kaveh replied. Alhaitham nodded," It's variable, but I'm planning on returning soon as well." "Good. That's good," Kaveh let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. The two were silent for a moment, before Kaveh spoke again.

"To celebrate, we should go on a date!" He smiled. Alhaitham nodded," To where?" "Do you want to choose?" Kaveh let go of him, tilting his head. Alhaitham took a second before replying," How about we go to the park?" Kaveh just smiled and nodded. The two got dressed before heading out, they held hands the whole way to the park.
"Hey Kaveh, I've been thinking... If the medications and procedures don't work out then-" "Shut up." Alhaitham looked at him with wide eyes, but then realized he didn't want to talk about it. "It's too early to say for sure what'll happen. Please stop being so pessimistic, Haitham," Kaveh looked away while they were walking. "Right, sorry..." The rest of the way, they walked in silence, occasionally glancing back at one another.

They finally reached the park, and Kaveh decided to lay down on the grass while Alhaitham sat down next to him. They stayed like that for a few minutes, before Kaveh said," That cloud kind of looks like a giraffe." "Does it?" "Yeah.." He smiled, before Alhaitham laid down next to him.

"You're right, it does look like a giraffe," He remarked. "You kinda look like a giraffe?" "What? Hey!" Alhaitham chuckled.
A few more moments pass.
"Kaveh. The love of my life called me a giraffe." "Oh did he now?" "Mhm, he did." "He's the love of your life?" "Of course he is," Alhaitham turned to his side and kissed Kaveh's cheek. Kaveh laughed," You're adorable." "Hm.. that's debatable," Alhaitham smiled.

Kaveh sighed, then sat up, and Alhaitham followed him. "So, what now?" Kaveh asks. "Well, actually there is something I wanted to show you," Alhaitham said. "Oh? And what's that?" Kaveh asked, smiling a little bit. "Go walk over there, I'll be there in a bit," Alhaitham pointed to a bench. "Okay..? Weirdo..." Kaveh did as he was told, then gave Alhaitham a weird look. He followed Kaveh, and then stood in front of him.
"Okay, now what?" Kaveh laughs at the absurdity of this. Alhaitham kneeled down in front of him, and the look on Kaveh's face was shocking beyond recognition. He then sighed to himself, closed his eyes, and shook his head, muttering to himself," He's just tying his shoe-" "Kaveh, my shoes don't have laces."

"What?" Kaveh opened his eyes, and he saw Alhaitham holding out a ring. Oh my god. This was real. "Will you marry me?"

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