Chapter Two - Lipstick

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While Alhaitham was making himself toast and coffee for Kaveh, he wanted to get back at Kaveh for keeping him up. In truth his roommate wasn't really keeping him up, but he felt as if it was his duty to make sure Kaveh was taking care of himself. As the coffee finished, Alhaitham put several packets of salt into it. "If anything this'll wake him up more than the normal coffee would..." He muttered.

He walked back into the main room with the toast in one hand, and the coffee in the other. "Enjoy," Alhaitham set the coffee down on the desk next to Kaveh, then sat down on the couch. "Thank you! For once, you're useful for something," He took an awfully big drink of the coffee, then smacked his lips. As he did so his face became gradually sour, and he slowly looked up at Alhaitham.

"Why is it... salty?"

Alhaitham held back a smile as he replied, "Whatever do you mean?" Kaveh groaned, then raised his voice to accuse his roommate," You put salt in it, didn't you!?" He just calmly shook his head," I didn't do anything out of the ordinary to it."

Kaveh slammed the coffee mug back onto the desk, small droplets leaked onto one of his papers. He looked back and groaned as he realized this, right before turning right back to Alhaitham. "Well clearly you must've done something to it if it isn't how it's supposed to taste!" He snapped.

"Here," Alhaitham walked over and drank a bit from the cup,"There's nothing wrong with it, I think you're delusional..."

Kaveh gasped then crinkled up his face," I drank from that cup!" "Yes and?" Alhaitham tilts his head confusedly. "My lips and my spit were on it and... you drank it..." Kaveh looked away. "... ah, are you really that scared of an indirect kiss? You really are childish, Kaveh," Alhaitham scoffed.

"I am not!" Kaveh began to blush the slightest bit at the idea of kissing Alhaitham, indirectly or... not. "Yes you are! If you aren't as childish as I am claiming, then drink out of the cup again," Alhaitham crossed his arms, as if to make some sort of point. Kaveh hesitantly grabbed the cup, brought it up to his lips, gagged, then set it right back down.

"Hmph, okay! You win!" He looked away from Alhaitham, just to hide the small blush,"I'm not getting sick from whatever you have in your mouth that you just put on my cup!" "There's nothing in my mouth though," He scoffed then turned to his book.

Kaveh slowly turned back to look at Alhaitham, then noticed something. When Kaveh had initially drank from the cup, it left a print of his lipstick on it. When Alhaitham took a drink... the lipstick had transferred onto his lips. Kaveh laughed at the sight then turned back to his work.

"What are you laughing at?" Alhaitham glanced at his roommate. "It's nothing!" Kaveh put a hand over his mouth, desperately trying not to laugh. "What...?" Alhaitham turned to look in the mirror and sighed," That's not that funny." "It is to me!" Kaveh got up from his desk for the first time in almost 12 hours, and wiped the lipstick off of Alhaitham's lips,"There!" "... thanks?" Alhaitham looked a bit taken aback by the sudden touch, he even liked it a bit, but he wouldn't dare admit that.

Kaveh smiled and looked at him for a moment, he knew Alhaitham was a bit embarrassed. "I personally thought it looked good," He said, just to defy Kaveh. He didn't like admitting Kaveh was doing the right thing, and in Kaveh's words,"All Alhaitham does is make my life harder!"

Kaveh muttered something," Well it was smudged. Here!" He rushed into the bathroom, and came out holding some lipstick.

He walked over to Alhaitham, who was sitting on his bed, and put a hand on his cheek. "Hold still..." Kaveh said, starting to put the lipstick onto Alhaitham. It was...odd, Alhaitham thought. The two were just arguing but he felt as if this was a sign of them growing closer. He really does think of Kaveh as a bother, but Alhaitham knows that he's soft around him.

Kaveh leaned in closer a bit, to get a better look, then popped back up,"There we go!" "Do I look beautiful?" Alhaitham asked, sarcastically. "Absolutely gorgeous," Kaveh laughed. "So you care if my lips touch the same cup as yours, but not when it's your lipstick?" Alhaitham half-smiled, for some reason he couldn't get the situation with the cup out of his mind.

"I can just cut off the part that touched you!" Kaveh said, crossing his arms and looking at Alhaitham. "That seems unnecessary," He looked unimpressed. "Well germs are gross, and especially yours!" He looked away.

Alhaitham muttered something. "What'd you say?" Kaveh looked at him suspiciously. "I said,'' He cleared his throat," This is why you can't get a girlfriend." Kaveh gasped, walked up to Alhaitham, and smudged his lipstick. Alhaitham stood up, then did the same back to him. "Hey!" Kaveh popped the lipstick cap off, then covered Alhaitham's face with it.

Alhaitham smeared some off his face then put it onto Kaveh's own,"That was just a waste of lipstick, Kaveh, isn't it expensive?" Kaveh shouted at him," I'll make you pay for a new one!" He crossed his arms, huffed, then looked away. "I'm not doing that," Alhaitham squinted his eyes at him then scoffed. Kaveh sighed," It was 45 dollars too..."

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