Chapter Eighteen - Double Date

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 A few days later, the four of them arrived at the movies. Tighnari and Cyno were fashionably late as always. While waiting for the other couple, Kaveh kept on complaining the Alhaitham about how badly the structure of the theatre was made. "Listen, I love the idea of the pillars (although basic...) but do you see how smooth they are!? From how elegant they attempted to make the rest of the place to look, they definitely should've chosen pedestal pillars. Whoever made this place was obviously a fool!" Kaveh ranted.

Alhaitham just sighed," Must you do this with every place we got to?" "Why of course!" Kaveh just smiled, and then he noticed Cyno and Tighnari walking through the door. "Hello you two!" Tighnari said, walking up to the other couple. He seems to be in a pretty good mood despite not wanting to go to the movie in the first place.

"Hey, somebody's happy," Alhaitham said to Tighnari, nodding in Cyno's direction as a greeting. "Well mister over here said we could go to the botanical garden afterwards, didn't you Cy?" Tighnari said, smiling, pinching Cyno's cheek lightly. "I'm being dragged against my will," Cyno said, smiling at Tighnari. Tighnari just rolls his eyes then drags Cyno off to the concession stand.

"I want snacks too!" Kaveh said, immediately turning to Alhaitham. "Of course, ladies first," He smiled slyly, putting a hand out indicating for Kaveh to walk in front of him. "Will you ever let that go!?" Kaveh groans. "Never."

Alhaitham ended up buying five bags of popcorn. Kaveh said that one's for the credits, one's for the beginning, one for the middle, one for the end, and one for after the movie ends. Alhaitham said it was stupid, before promptly buying them for his boyfriend with no further complaints. Cyno and Tighnari left in the middle of them buying their snacks, saying that they were going to save seats for the four of them.

"Ready to go into the theatre?" Alhaitham asked, carrying most of the concessions. "I gotta go to the bathroom... Could we drop the stuff off with Cyno and Tighnari then you accompany me?" "Sure..." Alhaitham thought for a moment, it was weird of Kaveh to ask him something so stupid as that. He couldn't help but think he had ulterior motives.

Alhaitham returns after a moment, hands free. Kaveh walked into the mens bathroom, Alhaitham following suit. Kaveh stops at the door for a moment... it seems like he's looking around, spotting for people? Nobody was in there, so he quickly pulled Alhaitham into, then into a stall. Alhaitham looks at him a bit bewildered, though not entirely in a bad way. He knew what Kaveh was doing. "Kav..." He said softly.

Kaveh smiles a bit, then pulls in Alhaitham by the collar, stopping just before their noses touched,''We haven't done anything with each other yet..." "Mhm, we haven't, is this really the best place for this? I will say, I don't mind though," Alhaitham keeps his voice low. "I find it thrilling," Kaveh said, before pulling on the shirt collar of his lover a bit more, until their lips meet.

The stall was tiny, they weren't a long way off from making contact with their chests. The more they pressed their lips together the more they lost themselves in the moment, and didn't realize how close they had become. Kaveh was pushing Alhaitham up against the wall of the stall, their chests pressed up against each other. Feeling emboldened by the current situation, Kaveh slipped his tongue inside Alhaitham's mouth, until they were practically fighting for dominance using their mouths.

Kaveh swiftly grabbed Alhaitham's hands, and crossed them, putting them over his head, holding them by the wrists. Alhaitham seemed to just be going along with it, not having a care for anything other than the taste of Kaveh's lips. Yet, the sudden movement from Kaveh earned a small groan of discomfort from Alhaitham, but he didn't pull away. The small noise almost gave Kaveh more motivation to press forward, but then realizes this may not be the best idea at the moment, considering how much time it felt they'd spent in there.

He softly disconnected their lips, them both panting, while simultaneously letting go of Alhaitham's wrists. The two just stared at each other for a bit, their breaths both a bit heavy and hitched. "We should get back... only a few minutes until the movie starts..." Alhaitham said softly. Kaveh nodded, and the two walked out as if nothing ever happened.

'What the hell just happened?' Alhaitham thought

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