Chapter Seventeen - Plans

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Kaveh noticed Alhaitham writing something. "What's that?" Kaveh tilted his head. "It's nothing," Alhaitham sighed, then put the book on his nightstand. Kaveh then grabbed another book, it was Alhaitham's bucket list that they were looking through earlier!

"I can't decide what to do with you next, so," Kaveh smiled at Alhaitham,"We should keep looking through it. Let's see..." Kaveh started writing down ones he found... interesting, on a piece of paper.

"A double date could be interesting..." Kaveh said. "Yes, but with who? We don't know anyone," Alhaitham sighed. "Yes we do silly! They're literally our neighbors, we play cards with them all the time," Kaveh said, smiling this time. "Wait, Cyno and Tighnari are dating?" Alhaitham blinked. "You didn't know!? Ay yai yai, Haitham try being a bit more observant..." Kaveh smiled and shook his head.

Alhaitham smiled and rolled his eyes, while Kaveh pulled out his phone to text the group chat with the four of them.

Kaveh: Cyno! Tighnari!

Tighnari: Yes? What's up?

Kaveh: Haitham and I wanted to ask you if you two wanted to go on a double date with us!!!

Cyno: I wouldn't be opposed, where to?

Kaveh: yea i didnt think that far

Tighnari: Yikes, okay. Well there was this new movie Cyno really wanted to see I think

Cyno: Yeah, I was actually gonna buy tickets fairly soon

Kaveh: What movie!!!?? :O

Cyno: It's a horror movie, I doubt you'd like it.

Kaveh: I love horror movies though!

Alhaitham: Kaveh. Last time we watched one you wet yourself.

Kaveh: TMI Haitham.

Alhaitham: I hope you know I don't understand what that means.

Kaveh: Aren't you studying linguistics?

Alhaitham: We are standing right next to each other. Just talk to me in person.

Tighnari: I agree! We don't want to want to watch you guys argue

Kaveh: Oh sorry did we interrupt you and Cyno making out or something? :/

Cyno: Yes, actually.

Tighnari: CYNO.

Kaveh laughed, " They're a fun bunch, huh?" "Mhm, but we didn't get a date set up. We didn't even get to know what the movie was, so I'd say that was unsuccessful," Alhaitham remained straight faced. "It's fine! Cyno and Tighnari were supposed to come by later today to play TCG, remember?" Kaveh smiled,"I'm gonna finally beat you yknow!" "Sure, I'll accept that challenge," Alhaitham smiled.

A few hours later, there was a knock on the door.

"You're right on time, you two. Kaveh was making us snacks," Alhaitham gestured for the other two to sit down around the table. "Oh, thanks! You're finally playing with us today, Haitham?" Tighnari said, taking a seat next to Cyno. Alhaitham nodded.

Kaveh walked into the living room, carrying a plate of cookies. He also had an apron on that said "kiss the chef", Alhaitham had gotten it for him last Christmas. "Oh wow, you really out-did yourself this time Kaveh, what flavor are these?" Cyno asked, as Kaveh took off his apron then sat down with the rest of them.

"Brown butter raspberry chocolate chip cookies!" Kaveh said this with a certain pride in himself. "Woah..." Tighnari said," These are really good, thanks!" Kaveh nodded then turned to look at Alhaitham, then back at the other two. "So what game are we playing?" Cyno smiled, right before pulling out a deck of TCG cards.

"Tsk, could've guess," Tighnari smiled and rolled his eyes lightheartedly. "I haven't pulled out my deck in a while..." Alhaitham sighed. "I'll go get it!" Kaveh scrambled to his feet, then walked over to the big bookshelf that's in-between their beds.

Meanwhile, Alhaitham noticed that Cyno had an arm around Tighnari, and that Tighnari's hand was on Cyno's thigh. Was Alhaitham really that oblivious as to not notice the relationship between the two?

"Alright!" Kaveh returned with his and Alhaitham's decks,"We all know the rules right?" Cyno nodded.

They all played Genius Invokation TCG, until Cyno and Alhaitham kept killing Kaveh's character cards so much that he quit.

"Can we play go fish or something?!" Alhaitham laughed at Kaveh's small outburst. Tighnari looked incredibly tired,"How about we plan our double date?" Kaveh perked up at that," Huh? Oh, good idea!" "I say we should go to the movie you two were talking about," Alhaitham nodded towards Cyno and Tighnari," I want to see if Kaveh is as ecstatic about horror movies as he claims..."

"I don't get scared by movies!" Kaveh scoffed. "Mhm, sure," Alhaitham smiled. "Nari hasn't been wanting to go see the movie with me, he says it's cheesy," Cyno looked at the ground and shook his head solemnly. "It's called Love At First Bite. How is that not cheesy!? Sure it's a scary movie, but the romance subplot of it is like some angsty fanfiction written by a 12 year old!" Tighnari rolled his eyes.

Kaveh and Alhaitham smiled at each other, was this how they looked to other people while arguing? Cyno shook his head, dismissing Tighnari," So it's decided then? We'll go to the movies?" Alhaitham and Kaveh nodded in agreement. Tighnari sighed and smiled, finally giving in," Sure. But just because it's you, Cyno." "Now who's the cheesy one?" Cyno smirked, and Tighnari lightly bopped him on the back of the head. 

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