Chapter Eleven - Light In a Dark Place

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The next morning, Alhaitham woke up fairly early to get ready for his next doctor's appointment. He was going to have to work out something with Dr. Baizhu soon to get all his priorities straight. Perhaps contact the local morgue. Ah, but one shouldn't think so dimly, he still has time. Right?

Kaveh still hadn't woken up, and he had classes today so Alhaitham decided to shake him awake. "Kaveh? Wake up or you're going to be late for classes," He continued shaking him until Kaveh finally stirred. Kaveh just put the blanket over his head, then continued to sleep.

He was getting over a heartbreak he didn't even know would happen.

Alhaitham gave up trying to wake Kaveh up, and instead tried making breakfast. That would surely wake Kaveh up fully, wouldn't it? "Kaveh! I'm in the middle of making you breakfast, I don't want it to be cold when you wake up again," He shouted from the kitchen. "Mhm... got it..." Kaveh didn't want to look at his face, but, when in reality, Alhaitham didn't really do anything wrong. Who was that girl he was talking about though?

Alhaitham then thought, well that didn't work, so may as well try to start a conversation. "Honestly, I can't stop thinking about when the lady at the register thought you were a girl yesterday, it was pretty funny," He said that, hoping Kaveh would jump out of bed to argue with him or something, anything to get him out of bed.

It took Kaveh a moment to process what was just said before muttering to himself,"Can't stop thinking about it!?" He then hopped right out of bed and right up to Alhaitham.

"... didn't mean to offend," Alhaitham smirked. "You didn't!" Kaveh smiled, he suddenly had this burst of energy. He got ready and stuff, before returning back to the kitchen and sitting down.

Alhaitham set a plate down in front of Kaveh before... complimenting him? "I like the feather in your hair, you should wear it more often," He sat across from Kaveh at the table. "Oh! Thanks!"

Was it possible the girl he was talking about was Kaveh? It was most probable, Alhaitham has definitely never even talked to a woman without messing something up. And let's be real here, Kaveh thought, he's totally into men. Kaveh smiled at the thought of his roommate actually being in LOVE with him.

Alhaitham nodded at the thanks, then genuinely smiled at him, which was quite rare for him to do since he and his roommate are feuding about something most of the time. Kaveh gasped, got out of his chair again, then walked up to Alhaitham,"Do that again!" "Do what?" "Smile!" "Ah, uhm, okay...?" Alhaitham made somewhat of a fake uneasy smile. "Booo!" Kaveh booed him, before cupping his cheeks,"Come on, just a little bit?"

Alhaitham could feel his face heating up,"I only smile when necessary. But I... can't help it with you looking at me like that." He continued to smile again. That was what did it, Kaveh was sure, absolutely positive Alhaitham was talking about him last night! He was definitely a tomato by now, hoping Alhaitham wouldn't notice.

"You're red, Kav," Kaveh's heart melted even further at the nickname. "Of course I am! After you said something like... that!" He was even struggling to get his words out. "Something like what? It's only the truth," Alhaitham's hands somehow found their way to wrapping themselves around Kaveh's waist.

Kaveh sighed then gave into the touch,"You're driving me crazy..." He softly rested his head on Alhaitham's chest. "Aw how so?" Alhaitham said. Kaveh didn't answer for a bit, he wanted to savor the moment. He also couldn't find the words, so when he did finally say something it came out as more of a mumble that Alhaitham couldn't understand

"Speak up, Kaveh," Alhaitham began stroking his roommates hair,"I want to know what you said"

Kaveh groaned, not wanting to say it again. He knew Alhaitham wouldn't reject him, but it's still hard to get the words out, you know?

"Unless you're too scared? In that case I understand, you don't trust your roommate," Alhaitham said, entirely straight faced. Kaveh looked up at him,"I do trust you!"

"Then tell me what you said, please?" Alhaitham cupped Kaveh's face with one hand.

"Well I..."

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