Chapter Ten - Jealousy

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Once Kaveh was done, Alhaitham was in the biggest hurry to get all the dust and shit off his face. "Alright, I'm washing it off then going to bed," He said, walking towards the bathroom. "My bed still smells like coffee though!" Kaveh complained, he was definitely not about to sleep in a bed that smells like salted coffee.

Kaveh decided he would take the liberty of deciding for Alhaitham that they would be sleeping next to each other again. He packed up all his new stuff, then laid down on Alhaitham's bed. Much to his surprise, when Alhaitham returned from the bathroom, he didn't even complain about it, he just laid right down next to his roommate.

There were no issues with them sleeping next to each other, not like last time, there was no blanket hogging or anything. In fact, they slept back to back to each other.

Something Kaveh did not know about his roommate before, was that he's an avid sleep talker. Most times he'd be mumbling on about the subject he had been studying the hour before in the library. But today it sounded like he was having quite the interesting dream...

" you..." What did Alhaitham just say...? Kaveh turned around so he could hear him better. He gasped when Alhaitham said the words "I love you again" Who was he dreaming about? What was happening? Was there any chance in the world that he could be talking about Kaveh?

Kaveh's palms clammed up and he didn't know what to do. Did he want Alhaitham's words to be about him...? Alhaitham continued muttering about, saying things like "Oh so pretty" And "I love you" With every word spoken Kaveh got more and more anxious. He was absolutely dying to know who Alhaitham was talking about!

"Beautiful girl..."

That was what did it. Kaveh wasn't a girl. There wasn't a way possible that Alhaitham was talking about him. So why had he gotten his hopes up in the first place? Sure, he had a small crush on Alhaitham. Sure he did, but there was no hope, because apparently Alhaitham was in love with another. It was hard for him to sleep though, because he knew that Alhaitham was leading him on.

All the chocolates, the subtle flirting, all while he was in love with another!? With all the ideas of what to do next, Kaveh decided that the next day he'd file a complaint and find a different roommate.

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