Chapter Twenty - Relief

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The two got home after the movies, and they sat across from each other at the table. Kaveh didn't feel like saying anything, just in case he'd make Alhaitham nervous to say whatever he was going to say. Alhaitham does look anxious about this, despite his earlier statement about it not being bad news.

"Kaveh, my... my love," Alhaitham took a deep breath before continuing. This made Kaveh one hundred times more anxious, because Alhaitham has never addressed him by pet names previously. "So you are aware of my.. Disease, correct?"

Kaveh slowly nods," AML, right..?" Alhaitham nods," Correct. I was on a waitlist for the treatment of gemtuzumab ozogamicin." "Mhm..." Kaveh nods with him," That's quite a mouthful." He thought it was okay to tease about a bit, especially because this is supposed to be good news. He already knew what Alhaitham was going to say, so he could already feel the happiness bubbling up within him.

"Well, Dr. Baizhu administered for me to get the treatment pills," Alhaitham smiles softly, and Kaveh leans forward and hugs him with all his strength. He couldn't help but start tearing up, which in turn made Alhaitham start to cry too," Oh my goodness.. You, this..." Kaveh couldn't even get coherent words out. Even though he hoped for this to happen, he never imagined it would come true.

Alhaitham was shocked that Kaveh reacted so emotionally, that it only just now hit him how much Kaveh values Alhaitham. Despite how close the two have been since Alhaitham's confession, he never really subconsciously believed Kaveh's affection towards him. "I love you so much..." Kaveh said, letting himself tighten his grip on Alhaitham, and just leaning his head into his shoulder. "I love you too, and I'm not planning on leaving you," Alhaitham reaches up and starts stroking his hair, then kisses Kaveh's forehead.

They sat like that for the rest of the night, until they had to go to bed, then cuddled to sleep. Kaveh thought, He would begin classes and take those pills and everything will be fine, everything will be normal. Haitham will survive, everything's fine. He played those words in his head over and over again while clinging onto Alhaitham.

Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine. Everything WILL be fine.

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