Chapter Four - The Best Trope

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Alhaitham returned home an hour after, as promised. He felt mentally exhausted after the revelation that had just been revealed to him, he desperately needed a nap. Kaveh was still sleeping on Alhaitham's bed, completely knocked out. Alhaitham walked over to him, then started shaking Kaveh. "Kaveh, if you're going to continue sleeping, go on the couch, I need to take a nap," He sounded very stern. Kaveh replied groggily,"Aww...your bed is so comfortable though!" He pointed to some pillows,"I even added extra pillows too!"

Alhaitham sighed then muttered,"I don't have the energy for this," He raised his voice a bit so Kaveh could hear,"Fine, then move over." Kaveh scooted over on the bed, leaving enough room so that Alhaitham could lay down next to him,"You're being more grouchy than usual, Alhaitham." He scowled at Kaveh and snapped back,"And? Be grateful I'm not shoving you off the bed right now." Kaveh gasped,"Geez!" He then turned his back to Alhaitham.

He just sighed,"Go back to sleep, don't worry about what I'm doing." He rolled over as well, then scooted to the edge of the bed as far away from Kaveh as he could be. This made it so that the blanket wasn't covering either of them fully, and Alhaitham was definitely not happy about this. "Stop hogging the blanket!" He half whispered and half yelled. "But it's cold!" Kaveh whined. "Well what do you want me to do? I'm certainly not getting up to get you another blanket," Alhaitham scoffed.

"Then get closer! You keep moving and taking the blanket away from you..." Kaveh's voice softened a bit, for whatever reason Alhaitham could not possibly understand. "I'd prefer not to do that," Alhaitham said, his voice unwavering, but yet he does it anyway. He gets close enough to Kaveh so that the blanket covers them both, but no closer to him then he needs to.

"Get over it Haitham, at least we won't be cold," Kaveh said. Did he just call him Haitham? ... Well Kaveh is Alhaitham's senior, so it's okay, but still, it's odd. "But I'm not even cold," Alhaitham said, which was true. He wasn't. But for some strange reason he couldn't find himself wanting to move away from Kaveh. That's why he moved closer to him, not enough that they're touching, but enough to create tension between the two.

"It is very cold thank you very much!" Kaveh said, pouting. "I think you're just sensitive," Alhaitham retorted back. "I am not!" Kaveh scoffed. "Mhm, sure," Alhaitham rolled over to face the other way. But... something wanted him to turn around, to look at Kaveh... to admire him. He didn't like it, Alhaitham hated the way he felt like he needed to rely on Kaveh. It made him feel weak, but for some reason he didn't stop it. Once he was sure Kaveh was entirely asleep, he rolled back over and looked at him.

He took everything into account. Kaveh's jawline, the way his hair flowed onto the pillow, his skin, his lips. "What the hell is wrong with me..." Alhaitham muttered, before slowly inching closer, and wrapping his arms around Kaveh's waist. He noticed that Kaveh slowly woke up from the touch," Huh...?" "You said you were cold," Alhaitham muttered. Before that moment Alhaitham never got anywhere close to Kaveh, let alone cuddling with him.

Kaveh didn't know what to do, he wanted to go along with it, but he had no clue what Alhaitham was thinking. "Thank you..." Kaveh said. He didn't know what else to say. He didn't try to move away though, because in all honesty it wasn't that bad. "And here I thought you never held anybody in your life," Kaveh wrapped his arms around Alhaitham's back. "I don't know why you would think that, I'm quite charming," Alhaitham said. "Mhm, sure you are Haith," Kaveh pressed himself up against Alhaitham as much as he could.

Alhaitham smiled at the nickname, but made no attempt to talk to Kaveh about it. After a bit, he felt Kaveh's breathing slowing down, and he started to drool onto Alhaitham's chest. He let him do it, before slowly falling asleep as well.

After two hours, Alhaitham let go of Kaveh, before changing clothes and heading out the door.

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